Learning who the monsters are

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Lauren didn't know how long she laid naked on Ariana's floor. She couldn't fathom anything at the moment as her body burned and ached with pain. Tears leaked her eyes as she felt the betrayl to her soulmate in every breath she breathed. She would have rather been dead than to cause her lover the pain she must have put her in. Had Camila been in her place, Lauren would have lost her humanity in a blind rage and killed everyone responsible. The only comfort she felt at the moment, was that she was enduring this instead of her wife or daughter. The thought almost put a smile on her face.

She didn't acknowledge Ariana through out their time together, which undoubtably made the rape and torture worst. Ariana made sure of that, she wasn't one to be ignored.

Raquel crept into the room, nervous at what she would find after hearing Lauren scream as horribly as she had. When Ariana had told the girl to throw Lauren back into her cell, Raquel inwordly cringed at the satisfied smirk on Ariana's silver face. Even with that as a warning to what lay ahead of her as she made her way to Ariana's room, she was still shocked and disgusted at what she found.

Lauren laid bleeding from her mouth and nose, crumpled on the floor with ragged breath. She was naked, and though Raquel had thought it impossible, she watched as bruises marred her silver flesh. Even her silver coloring looked like it had a faint grey tint.

Raquel's eyes filled as she took in the woman that had smiled at the thought of her family, yet looked broken beyond repair now. She knew Ariana could be evil, she had always known that, but this.... this was another level entirely. The light in Lauren eyes had dimmed, and Raquel wondered how long until it was gone completely. The thought itself sent a shiver down Raquel's spine.

Walking slowly as not to startle Lauren, Raquel carefully bent down and gently lifted Lauren into her arms. Lauren's eyes met hers, and Raquels stomach twisted when she saw shame in the emerald eyes that looked up at her.

"Shh... Everythings okay now." Raquel whispered quietly.

Lauren closed her eyes, allowing herself the illusion of safety as the teenage girl carried her in her arms out of the room that would forever hold her nightmares.

Raquel carried Lauren back to her cell, ignoring the sneering from the others in the hallway around her. She stared ahead, tightening her grip on Lauren, showing her she was okay. When they entered the cell, Raquel laid Lauren gently on the blankets she had gotten for her when she had fled the hallways after screams had filled the air. Gently slipping on a pair of briefs in order to give the woman a sense of modesty, she also dressed her in a shirt that was enough to cover the marks on her body, yet loose enought to provide relief so her wounds could heal.

Once Lauren was dressed and laying on the floor staring up at her, Raquel avoided her eyes by draping a small blanket on her, and returning to her spot cross from her, where she sat in silence. Lauren's hand opened on the floor confusing Raquel, until a look of realization passed through her. She reached into her pocket and crawled towards Lauren slowly, putting the wedding band she had guarded into the beaten womans bloody hand.

Crawling back to her spot, Raquel watched as Lauren tiredly lifted it to her lips, giving it a kiss before closing eyes and attempting to fall asleep. Though Lauren was trying hard to put what happened out of her mind, she couldn't stop the flow of tears that leaked from her eyes.

She missed her wife, she missed her daughter, she missed her family. The longing for them, the need for them grew every second, and nothing broke her more than knowing that she would most likely never see them again, and it had only been one day.

What hurt the most, was the disgust she felt within herself. She was tainted.

She had refrained from sleeping with anyone because of the insecurities she felt with how she was born with more than any girl should have, Camila had changed all that. She gave Lauren the love and care she needed to understand that she had so much to offer with her abnormality, and helped show her it was more of a blessing than anything else. When Athena was born, she truly understood what a blessing it was, because without being born how she was, she would have never have brought her perfect daughter into the world. That alone was enough to heal many of the wounds her insecurities and tormentors had placed inside of her.

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