Slow Recovery

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After Camila had aired out her demands, and the Camera was off, she started organizing teams to different parts of the world. She had Demi moving from city to country with Athena and her team doing mental sweeps, making sure every single person responsible was apprehended.

The prisons were full of Maya's henchmen that committed minor crimes, while those responsible for the more heinous acts were put to death publicly, with open trials all around. Unfortunately for them, Demi was able to dig through and find every victim and descriptions of their sadistic games.

While Camila sent out every possible person she could, she was never too far from Lauren.

Lauren who was sadly recovering very gradually from the physical damage done to her by Ariana, and Emily's poisonous concoction, was also healing very very slowly mentally wise.

Nothing seemed to be helping Lauren deal with her new found freedom. Don't mistake her gratitude, she was happy to be free, but her mind could not escape Ariana, no matter how hard she tried.

Every time she closed her eyes she was back in Ariana's room, relieving her assault over and over again. While most women assaulted by men have a tendency to shy away from any male contact, Lauren was the complete opposite. She flinched every time a female nurse or doctor not in her family circle neared her.

Camila was at a lost on how to help her, mainly because as much as she needed to be with her wife in her time of need, the world needed her also. So instead of choosing, she alternated with Sofie and Raquel, and was able to balance everything nicely.

Strangely enough, Lauren was her most relaxed around either Camila or Raquel herself.

A part of Lauren's brain registered Camila's presence with freedom, and Raquel with safety. While with the young adult, she was used to her torture being over, so in her presence she was able to feel as though everything was alright as long as she could see the teen.

Lauren struggled the most with her relationship with the girls who had been her sisters. They had always had a playful relationship, full of laughs and sexual inuenndo's, but now any and all refrence to anything sexual had her flinching or hyperventalating. It made interactions awkward with upset her even more. She wasn't comfortable being protrayed as a victim, yet she couldn't help her behaviour at all. It was almost instinct. Almost four months had changed her personality so much, that she didn't feel like herself anymore, and it frustrated her beyond measure.

She was also struggling with having so many members of her family in one room, which made family gatherings even more difficult. She felt claustrophobic with every added body, and as frustrating as it was, her forcing herself to be comfortable backfired more than she would have like.

So after talking to a few women that had been in similar situations, Camila decided everything in small doses. She started having a movie night with Lauren, Raquel and Sofie, and would text Maggie to join them, and so on and so on.

She then added comedies, that focused on light sexual humor, which eventually earned a chuckle or two from her raven haired wife.

It also helped that her family was being supportive and patient. She would often find them reading self help books that focused on family memebers interaction with rape victims, along with techniques on how to interact with someone who suffered from PTSD which they were sure Lauren was.

They together looked for a therapist that would help Lauren, and even agreed on group therapy sessions to make her more comfortable. their work load may have been intense, but they all devoted a couple hours a week to come home and help with Lauren's recovery.

Camila was optimistic, but struggled in the physical boundries she and Lauren apparently had between them. While Lauren was okay with light touches with her hands, and short times being held, she struggled majorly with being touched in areas such as her legs, stomach and shoulder areas. All Camila wanted was to hold her wife and will away her fear, but it was still very present in Lauren's mind.

In that area is where Athena seemed to reach Lauren. She may be classified as a woman, but the teen was also alot like Lauren in a way to appear as no threat to her in a sexual way whats so evere. The fact that she was her daughter also cemented the thought home. For one in her life, Athena was incredibly grateful to be just like her mother, and a part of her was even touched that she could reach her mother in a way no even her mom could.

Camila would often find her wife and the teen cuddled up to her mother when she wasn't off on a mission, with Addison at her side holding her hand, and occasionally, Athena would be the one holding her mother on her particully harder days.

She was so grateful Lauren had someone that she would allow past the walls she had subconsiously built inside her, but with every interaction she witnessed with her wife and daughter, her hope grew.

With Lauren's slow recovery, Camila was quite grateful that the war was ending faster than she had anticipated. The leaders around the world supported her strategy, and were eager to get rid of any threat to them. They were especially horrified when many in their government were found guilty of treason, and encouraged a sweep by Demi, who cleaned house thoroughly.

Within 3 months the world was were it should be, and the untied nations with their countried leaders were making new policies around the world that would safe guard their governments.

Camila was especially anxious today, because her wife was coming home. While being at New Age was home to Lauren, she had spent all her time recovering in the hospital, not ready to enter the living quarter she shared with her wife. But today was the day, and Lauren was nervous yet determined to be better than she had been lately.


Authors note: So guys, this next chapter will be ending this book, it will be long, and I may not finish tonight but regardless tomorrow it will be posted. I know this book focused a lot on Lauren, but truthfully it was meant to. Her growth from the first book until now is important, because as we grow ourselves, our experiences as we do, affect us in was that may change our very nature. The strength in how we overcome those circumstances, well to me thats worth reading about.

It started to work,

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