Smile - Newt

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"It's a girl."

It's the first thing I hear when I wake up in a strange box. A blonde boy is standing to my left - he's looking.. confused? Surprised? I don't know.

"Where am I?" I ask, looking around me, for as much as possible. I just see a lot of boys, some younger, some older.

"I'll show you," the boy standing next to me says. "Let's get out of this bloody Box first." He climbs out of it first, then reaches out his hand to me. "Come on."

I stand up, grab his hand and climb out of the Box as well. Looking around, all I see is a big square piece of land with different things on it; a farm, fields, woods- surrounded by four huge walls, each with an opening in the middle.

It scares me.

"W-Where am I? Let me go- I wanna get out of this place!" I say, and start sprinting towards the opening in one of the walls. It has to be a way out, right?

"Stop! Stop running, right now!" I hear a voice from behind me. 

But I don't. 

Then someone pushes me, making me lose my balance and I fall on the ground.

"I'm sorry, Greenie, I just couldn't let you go in there. I'll get Newt to show you around and tell you what you need to know," the voice says. I look up and see an older boy standing there. He helps me up. "Oh, my name is Alby, by the way. I'm the leader of the Glade."

"The Glade?" I ask, confused.

Alby smiles. "This place."

A few minutes later, this Newt guy shows up. I immediately recognize him as the boy from the Box thing.

"Hi," he says. "Name's Newt, Greenie."


"Yeah, you. What's your name?"

I want to answer, but then I realize I don't even know the answer. 

I don't even know my own name?!

"I, eh-"

Newt smiles a bit. "Don't worry, it's normal.."

Then why do you still ask?

"..You'll remember you r name soon."

The boy tells me about the Glade and its rules while walking around a bit. 

"And most importantly, never go beyond those walls."


"Let's just say that you don't even want to be out there."

We keep walking around, talking. I still feel scared and confused about what is all happening to me. About this place.

But somehow, Newt seems to be able to comfort me a bit.

Then I suddenly stop walking. "I remember," I whisper, more to myself but Newt hears it anyway.

"What?" he asks.

"My name. I remember my name. It's Y/N."

Newt is quiet for a few seconds, then smiles and says, "That's a beautiful name for a beautiful girl."



"What did you say?"

"Eh, I said.. That's a beautiful name, welcome to the Glade."

I know he's lying because it sounded too different, but I decide to let it go and smile. "Thanks, Newt."

He smiles at me, and I get a weird but nice feeling in my stomach.

A few days later, Newt has kind of become my best friend in the Glade.

"Y/N, can I.. Talk to you for a moment? ..After dinner?" he asks when we're eating whatever it is that Frypan has made for us. He seems nervous.

"Yeah, sure." I try to sound casual, but I feel as nervous as he looks. It might have something to do with this feeling I had on the first day here, when Newt smiled at me. I still get it, whenever he's around. I think I like him, but I won't tell him. He will never feel the same way about me. I've only known him for a few-

"Let's go," Newt says, and gets up.

"But I haven't finished eating yet," I laugh.

"Sorry, this can't wait. I have to tell you this.. Right now."

"Okay.." I get up and follow Newt, who's walking to the Box.

"Okay, here we go," he says. "I'm sorry about what I'm about to say, but you have to know. I can't hide this anymore-"

"Newt, are you okay? You seem.. nervous?"

"I am. I am bloody nervous, Y/N. But I have to tell you.. Okay..  I know it's only been a few days, but I.. Like you.."


"I'm sorry, okay?! I had to. Sorry" He wants to walk away, but I grab his wrist and pull him back, looking into his eyes.

Y/N, what the shuck are you doing?

"Newt, let me talk now." Now I am the one getting nervous. "I feel the same way- ever since you smiled at me for the first time, at the end of the tour after I remembered my name."

"Do you mean.." He starts smiling again, "..this smile?"

I nod, and smile back at him. 

He doesn't say anything, and neither do I. We just stand there, smiling at each other. 

Then Newt leans in and kisses me.

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