Cranky - Newt

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I'm just walking around with Newt, holding hands. He's been my boyfriend since some point in the Scorch, during the second part of our Trials.

A week ago, Rat Man told us who are immune to the Flare, and who are not. I am immune. But Newt... He's not. He will become a Crank, sooner or later.

"Y/N," he whispers.


"I want you to know that, whatever might happen.. I love you. And even though the bloody Flare will slowly eat my brain away and I'll go all cranky and stuff.. I know, for sure, that I might lose my sanity, but I will never lose my feelings for you."

He kisses me, and even though I feel sad because I know Newt will soon go insane, I feel happy at this moment, and smile a bit.

"I love you too, Newtie," I say when we stop kissing. "So.. What's your plan for today? I like walking around."

He smiles, but then I see the look in his eyes change.

"My plan? Can't you think of something like a plan yourself for once, shank?"


"Shut your bloody hole, you shuck-face!"

At first I don't get it - why is he talking to me like that? - but then I understand what's going on.

The Flare.

And even though I know he doesn't mean anything of what he said, my eyes start burning, and a few seconds later tears are already streaming down my face.

"N-Newt.." I say, then turn away.

"You walkin' away? Is that how you treat your infected boyfriend? Okay then. Leave. Get lost!" Newt shouts.

Tears keep leaving my eyes.

Then I turn around, back to Newt.

"Newt." I try to sound confident, but my voice cracks because I'm still crying. "In case you don't know, I've never hated anything so much than I hate this now. I hate being a Munie I know you're becoming a Crank! I don't want you to become a Crank, Newt. I wish you were immune. Or I'd be a Crank, because-"

"Sorry," he whispers, but I can hear it. "Sorry, Y/N. I didn't mean any of this.. I- I called you a shuck-face, huh?"

I nod. "Yeah.." It's not the worst thing someone can call you, but coming from Newt, my boyfriend, it hurts.

"I'm sorry. I know I can't take my awful words back, so I'd say, that if you would be a shuck-face, you would be my beautiful shuck-face."

He smiles weakly, and I know the real Newt is back. The sweet, caring, cute Newt.

So I smile back at him.

Newt, who had stepped a few feet toward me, takes my face in his hands and wipes my tears away. "See?" he asks.


"I just got.. Cranky.. And I still love you. Thank you for staying with me."

"Always," I whisper, still shocked from what just happened. Newt going insane for the first time already broke my heart.

He smiles. "Y/N, I bloody love you. Forever."

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