Halloween - Newtmas

215 12 21

Newt POV

I take another quick look in the mirror, then exit my room and walk downstairs.

My friend is already waiting for me, Mum let him in.

He immediately starts laughing a bit when I walk into the room.

"Tommy, why are you laughing? I'm supposed to look scary, not funny!"

He shakes his head. "You still look cute, even with all those creepy fake veins on your face and arms."

I feel how my cheeks are getting warm.
"Eh.. Thanks..?" I say, confused by his words. Did he just really call me cute?

Thomas seems to realize what he just said, and scratches the back of his head. "Sorry.. Never mind. Let's go to Minho's house."



"Bye Mum!" I shout at my mother, who went back upstairs after opening the door for Thomas.

I open the door, and we both walk outside. Then I close the door behind us and without saying anything, we walk to Minho's.

When we arrive at his house, Minho immediately opens the door.
"Hey shuck- woah, Newt," he says when he sees my make-up.

I smile and we step inside, where everyone's already waiting for us. Teresa, Alby, Zart, Winston, Harriet and Sonya are sitting on the couch, and even Chuck, Teresa's little brother is here.

"Hey, Chuckie," Thomas says.

"Thomas! New- dude, you look scary!"

"Thanks!" I smile.

"So.. Time for trick or treat!"

"Oh, ehh, yeah you guys weren't there when I told everyone but there's a slight change of plans.." Teresa says. "My dad's at work, and my mom suddenly had to go so I had to take Chuck with me but both him and my parents made me promise to-"

"It's fine, Teresa," Thomas smiles. "Let's go then?" He hugs the little eleven year old boy.
He's so cute with kids, I think by myself.

Newt, stop thinking that.

I already know I have feelings for my best friend, but I just.. Nope, I'll never tell him.

"So, where are we going first?" Minho asks when we're all outside.

"Can't you figure something out yourself for once, you bloody shank?" I ask, trying to match my behaviour with how I look.

"Wow, why the cranky stuff, Newt?" Minho laughs.

"I am a Crank, Minho," I say. "I am a Crank."

Minho raises his eyebrow, and we all laugh. Then we start to walk, following Chuck.
Thomas and I are the last two, behind the others.

"So, Newt.. About what I said before.. Ehh.."

I stop walking, and so does he.
"Tommy," I say. "It's fine. Don't worry about it."

"No, it's not. Or actually, I didn't mean it like that. Well I did, but-"

Before I know what I'm going, I step closer to him and kiss him. I can tell he's surprized by my sudden move, but after a few seconds he kisses me back.

"Wow," he says when we pull away, resting his forehead against mine. "I didn't expect you to do that, Newtie."

I smile. "And I didn't expect you to call me cute."

"It's true."

I feel myself blush, but it's dark so no one sees it. And I don't really care anymore if Thomas sees it.
"Come on," I say and grab his hand. "Trick or treat time!"
We both run a bit to catch up with the group.

"Finally," Teresa says, smiling.

"Yeah sorry, we had to.. Talk about something," Thomas answers.

"I didn't mean that. I mean, that." She looks at our hands.


"You.. Saw everything?" I ask and the girl nods.

"Yup. It was about time though. Everyone could see it but you."

I feel how my cheeks get warmer again, and I see the same thing happening to Thomas.

"Are you guys together now?" Teresa finally asks.

I look at Thomas, who looks at me, both smiling at each other.

"We are now," he says, letting go of my hand so he can put his arm around me and pull me closer.

A bit late but HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

A Newtmas oneshot especially for SarahWalter :)

The Maze Runner - One Shots / AUUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum