Cranky Couple - Newt

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We're in WICKED's head quarters. The Rat Man is sitting in front of us, telling about immunes and not immunes.
"The following are not immune," he says. "Newt.."
Newt. My heart breaks at the moment I hear his name.
Oh, shuck it, I think. If Newt isn't immune, then I'm glad I'm not immune either - for some reason I wouldn't want to live without him.
I'm a girl from Group B, so I met Newt and the other boys of Group A a few weeks ago in the Scorch, during the second phase of our Trials. I've always felt a strange connection with Newt, I don't know why. It's a feeling, but I don't know the name.
"And now.. Let's give you your memories back," Rat Man says.
After a while of discussing what to do, we all get up and follow the man - some happy to get their memories back, some not.
To be honest, I'm quite positive about it. Although I must admit that I'm also a bit scared to remember.
The Rat Man calls my name, and a few others, and the four of us walk into the room. A door on the other side of the room opens, and five people in WICKED clothes walks in. They introduce theirselves and tell they are going to bring our memories back, and how.
I nod, and take place on the bed. I look at the mask that's hanging above my face now - it looks kinda creepy.
"Everyone ready?" the leader of the WICKED doctors asks. "Okay, let's start."
A few seconds later everything goes dark.

I open my eyes.
"Y/N? Y/N, are you okay?" I hear someone ask. It's the doctor.
I nod, but then feel the pain in my head. "Yeah but I have a terrible headache now," I say.
"That's because of the surgery - I removed the Swipe that we placed in your brains. I'll give you some pain killers," he answers.

A few hours later I'm feeling much better, and I'm allowed to leave my room to join the others.
"I'd walk with you, but I think you'll now remember where you'll have to go to find your friends," the doctor smiles.
I nod. "Thanks," I say, and leave the room.
I do know where I have to go. I've been here before. I've been here for years before they sent me to the Maze.
I remember everything. The sun flares. The Flare. WICKED. The other 'subjects'.

Then I see a door. I know my friends are behind it, so I open it. I walk inside, but the only one I see is Newt.
"Hey," I say.
"Hey," he says. "Remember?"
"Everything." I doubt if I should tell him - about our connection. I've told him about it before and he said he felt it too, but now I remember what it is and where it comes from, I'm not sure if I should tell him.
"Y/N, there's something, huh?" he asks.
"I see it. Don't lie to me, please. You know you can tell me everything, I'm your friend."
"I remember," I say. "I remember.. Us.."
Newt looks at me, looking not understanding. "Us?"
I nod. "Remember that connection I told you about? And you said you feel it too?"
The boy nods.
"Well.. Ehh.. Newt.." I take a deep breath before I say the next words. "We.. We were a couple before the Maze."
"A- A couple? As in, in love, boyfriend girlfriend kind of couple?"
I nod again, and I feel myself blushing.
"So that feeling I get when I see you.. It means that.. That I'm in love with you?" he asks after a few seconds of silence.
"Uhu.." I say. I don't know what else to say, or to do. But Newt does.
"So that means.. This?" he smiles, and then I feel his lips on mine.
I am feeling what I haven't felt for years. Fireworks - butterflies everywhere in my stomach. The memories left, but the feelings never completely did.
Then he removes his lips from mine again and smiles weakly. "So.. Since we're both not immune and we're gonna be Cranks eventually.. I'm gonna ask this now; will you be my girlfriend, Y/N?"
"Of course, Newt. Of course," I answer, and kiss him again.
"We'll be the 'Cranky Couple'," I say after we stopped kissing.
"'The 'Cranky Couple'?" He laughs a bit. "Really, Y/N? Really?"
I nod and stare into his beautiful eyes, which makes me smile a bit. He's the only thing that keeps me a bit happy in this stupid shucked up situation.
"Good that," he finally says. "Good that."

The Maze Runner - One Shots / AUTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang