Exit - Newt

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"'Exit'," I say. "Seriously?" I look at the green sign again.
"This is our way out of the Maze? After all we've been through?"
"Well, it's worth a try," Thomas says, and opens the door.
I freeze. I am scared. It just can't be this easy. It just can't be. Not after all that's happened.
Newt notices and grabs my hand. "It's okay, Y/N, I'm with you. I'll protect you."
I look at him. "Thank you, Newt," I smile. For a moment I forget about everything around me and just stare into Newt's eyes.
"Whatever is in there.. Whatever is gonna happen next.. I love you, Y/N," he whispers, then kisses me.
But after a few seconds I become aware of everything again.
Newt notices - again - and removes his lips from mine. "Hey, it will be okay. We will be okay. Okay?"
"Okay," I answer, not really sure. "Let's just go in and find out." 
He nods.
"You two are really cute together," Minho says when we walk past him, still holding hands. "But not as cute as me." He starts laughing. 
I can't help but smile. Still the same Minho.
Inside the room, we see a woman on one of the screens. As soon as Thomas pushes some kind of play button, she starts talking. She introduces herself as Chancellor Ava Paige, someone who works for WICKED.
She tells us everything.
The outside world is destroyed by sun flares.
Something about the Flare - a deadly virus.
The outside world is ruined - most people have died because of the sun flares, or the Flare. Not many people are alive.
Then Ava tells us about the big news. She explains the purpose of the Maze. We, the Gladers, are immune to the virus. That's why they had put us there - to study our brains, in the hope to find a cure.
"You successfully completed your Maze Trials. Because of the situation outside, we have built a special place for you to live. You'll go through a Flat Trans to get there. Thank you."
Then Ava is gone.
All of us do what she said, and Newt and I are about to go through the Flat Trans thing, when we hear Chuck crying.
"Chuck, what's wrong? We're done.."
"M-my parents.. They-re.. D-dead.."
I let go of Newt's hand and hug my little friend. "Chuck, I know we could never replace them - even though you don't even remember them - but.. Newt and I will take care of you."
"Really?" Chuck asks, still sobbing.
"Yeah, we will." This time it's not me answering. It's Newt. He joins us in our hug. "Come on, let's go."
I nod, and Newt gives me one last kiss on my cheeck before we walk into a whole new world.

The end.

The Maze Runner - One Shots / AUDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora