Griever attack - Newt

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It's getting late in the Glade, about time for the Doors to close. The Runners just got back, Thomas and Minho were the last ones to enter the Glade. 

"Eh," Chuck, the youngest Glader says, looking at the West Door, like all of us. "Shouldn't they be closing by now?"

"Don't worry, Chuck - they will soon," Alby, our leader, tries to comfort the boy.

Then the Runners return from the Map Room.

"I don't know about you," Minho says, looking at his watch. "But according to my watch, the Doors should've been closed by now."

Today has already been a strange day; the sun has disappeared, and the sky is grey. 

"Oh, no!" I shout without really thinking about it. But I have thought about what will happen if the Doors won't close - the Grievers can enter the Glade. "The Gr-"

"It'll be fine. Everybody stay calm - maybe if the Doors won't close, those bloody Grievers won't attack either," Newt cuts me off. He is standing a few feet away from me, now looking at me, quickly sending me a not too obvious wink - something that, even though hese circumstances, makes me get this weird feeling inside, like butterflies flying around in my stomach. 

I've had these feelings since he gave me the tour through the Glade on the first day, but I never told him. He would probably think I'm stupid or something - he's second in command. I'm a Newbie - Greenie, even. Impossible.

"Let's all go to the Homestead," Alby says. "Just in case."

I nod, then turn around and slowly walk away, just like the others. Newt joins me, walking beside me. His left hand accidentally touches my right hand a few times, and I feel the urge to grab his hand. But I don't do it. I can't even find the courage to talk to him.

"Sorry," he says when it happens again.

"No problem."

Silence. Awkward silence. 

Then we reach the Homestead. "Eh, so, yeah.." Newt starts. "I'm gonna, eh, see if I can help Alby. See you later, (Y/N)." Then he walks off.


A few hours later, the Doors still haven't closed. We're all in the Homestead, sitting on the ground. Newt is sitting right next to me - great.

Then I hear a weird noise. I've never seen - or heard - one, but I immediately know it's a Griever. I start to panic and get up. "They're here! They're here! The Grievers are here, they're gonna destroy us! You were wrong, Newt-"

"Shh, (Y/N), it's okay - just stay quiet so they won't notice us. It'll be alright. I promise," Newt says, trying to comfort me. He's also standing now, and pulls me into a hug. "Whatever happens, I will protect you with everything I have - even with my life," he whispers.

"But, Newt, why-"

"I.. I don't really care about myself anymore. But.. I do care about you."

He smiles weakly at me. "If.. If I don't make it.. Please do me a favor, (Y/N). Close your eyes."

"Eh, okay," I say, noy knowing what to think or expect. I look straight into his eyes before doing what he says. I see that he's serious - he looks hurt. Broken. Completely destroyed. But I also see something that I don'r really recognize. 

"(Y/N), please forgive me for the fact that I'm doing this in front of a lot of Gladers. Please, don't think I'm crazy or something, but.. I'm, ehh.. Well.. I've wanted to do this for quite a long time - well, yeah.. Sorry. I just.. Have to," he says in a soft voice. He sounds like he's about to cry.

The next moment I feel two lips touching mine - Newt's lips. 

I hear some Gladers talking, but I ignore them and enjoy this kind of happy moment in these bizarre circumstances. 

"Newt.." I whisper, still confused about what just happened.

"Shh, don't say anything," Newt says, a tear rolling down his cheek. "I like you, (Y/N). I just need you to know that, okay?"

I nod. "Okay. I.. I like you too.."

I see his face light up a bit. 

"I like you so bloody much, Newtie," I add.

"Hey, that's my word!" he laughs, but then he goes serious again. "Okay, enough spotlights, let's go sit down again." I nod, and we sit back down on the floor. Newt wraps his arms around me, holding me close to him and one of his hands is holding mine.

I let my head rest on his shoulder while he he tries to comfort me by saying sweet things. We stay like that, sitting on the ground of the Homestead, waiting for the Grievers to go away. 

But they don't.

I hear them coming closer and closer - I'm sure there is one just right outside the window to my left. Then something that looks like a metal arm breaks throught the glass. 

It's about to grab me, but Newt quickly pulls me away. 

The arm attacks me again. I manage to get away again, but Newt doesn't. 

"Newt!" I shout, but it's already too late - the arm has already got him.

"(Y/N)!" he shouts. "I love you!"

"No! Newt!" I cry, trying to pull him back by holding his hands.

Then something weird happens. Alby comes into our room with a huge knife, starting to attack the arm that's holding Newt. After a few attemps, he manages to cut the thing in two and Newt falls back on the ground.

I immediately run towards him. "Newt! Are you-"

"I'm okay. You saved me, (Y/N)."

I shake my head. "No, Alby did."

"You both did," he says. "Thank you."

The Maze Runner - One Shots / AUDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora