Running - Newtmas (AU)

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Finally, it's the end of today's training session. It is way too hot to be running today, but Thomas went anyway. If he wants to beat his PR at next month's event, he has to keep training — no matter the weather.

"Good work everyone," Minho says as they all finish the last cooling down exercise.
Minho is the trainer of the small group, which is funny because the guy is not that much older than most of them, including Thomas. Actually, he's a trainer in training, but he's doing so well that the actual trainer let him take over some sessions. Of course the man is still there to guide him every now and then.
Basically, everyone's friends with everyone in this group, and that includes their trainer.
Okay; almost everyone. There are a few people who don't always get along.
Like Gally, he hasn't be very welcoming of Thomas since he joined the already existing group. Said he messed everything up. Thomas himself still doesn't understand: he's just running, like everyone else. How does that mess things up?

Everyone picks up their water bottles and then head to the building, a little clubhouse, where they leave their stuff before training starts.

"Thomas, over here!" A young voice.

Thomas looks around and sees his brother sitting on one of the chairs. "Hey Chuck!"
He walks over and sits down next to him. "How did you get here?"

"I asked Dad if I could watch your training, so he brought me here. Well, for the last part, at least. We were a little late but I wanted to surprise you."

Chuck is a couple of years younger than Thomas. Thomas is almost seventeen; Chuck just turned eleven and looks up to his older brother. He says he also wants to be a runner.

"Where's Dad?" Thomas asked. "Did he leave already?"

"Yes, he just dropped me off and went back home. You're my taxi."

Thomas smiles. He won't be able to ride his bike with Chuck as company, so they have to walk home, but it's not that far and they always have the best laughs together.

"Okay, I'm gonna get my stuff and say bye to everyone and then we'll go. Okay?"

Chuck nods and Thomas gets up to walk to the locker room where he left his bag and a jacket.
It may be hot to run, but in reality it's not even that warm. It's nice in the sun though. Spring is slowly starting to come through, and it's great. Weather like this makes Thomas feel good and happy, especially after the cold winter months full of rain, snow and frost.

Back outside with his stuff, he gets a little after running snack from his backpack and walks into the small cafeteria, where he gives everyone a high five as they always do when saying bye.
"Good job today, Thomas," Minho says. "Great improvement in a pretty short time. Keep going like this and you'll crush that PR next month."

"Thanks Minho. See you on Saturday."
His group, officially called running group A, always trains on Wednesday evenings and Saturday mornings. There are a few other groups in this club, but they train om different days, so Thomas doesn't know any of those people.

"See ya, shank!" he laughs and pats Thomas on the shoulder.

When Thomas comes back outside, Chuck is waiting at Thomas' bike.
Thomas unlocks it and the two brothers start walking. Within a second, Chuck starts talking about how he loves to watch his big brother's training sessions and how he can't wait to join the club, too.

"Thomas! Can we go to Starbucks? Please?" Chuck asks, looking at his older brother with big round eyes.

"I think we should go ho—"


Thomas shakes his head, laughing. "Alright. But only a small drink!"


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2019 ⏰

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