Trapped - Thomas

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Note: This is not a sequel to 'Becoming a Runner - Newt'

All imagines/one shots are separately written, for different people when I used to write them on Instagram.

"Thomas," I say, still running but totally exhausted. "I.. can't.. run.. anymore."

It's my first day as a runner and we're already being chased by a Griever.

I stop running. I feel like I'm about to fall on the ground, but Thomas grabs my hand and starts running again.

"No, Y/N! Hold on! I won't let that Griever- oh no!"


"The Doors.. It's already late, and we're in the middle of the Maze. We're not gonna make it back in time."

Terrified, I look at Thomas. The Doors are closing. We are trapped in the Maze for the night. With the Grievers.

"But.. No one has ever survived a night in the Maze," I say, with tears in my eyes. I start to panic.

"We will. Come on, follow me," Thomas says. "I've been a Runner for a few weeks, I know the Maze by now. Just one more run."

I nod, and we start running faster again, Thomas leading the way, still holding my hand to guide me.

After a few minutes we arrive at what he thinks is a safe place for now.

"Thomas," I say, crying now.

"Shh," he says. "I'll protect you."

"How? Those Grievers- if we get stung.."

"Look at me, Y/N," my running partner says. I look at him, into his eyes. "We can make it. Trust me."

"And what if we don't?"

"I don't wanna think about that possibility."


"Y/N, there's something I wanna tell you. And I might as well say it now because we both don't know what will happen but I still want you to know.."

I look at him, not knowing what he's talking about. Although there is one thing I hope he will say - but no. I don't want to get my hopes up.

He smiles a little. "I love you."

I am surprised. "Thomas-"

"Shh. All I wanna know is.. Do you love me too?"

"Yes," I answer honestly. "I do."

"Good that," he smiles, and kisses me.

The Maze Runner - One Shots / AUHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin