Thunder storm - Newtmas

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Newt's POV

I was at a restaurant with my date, Thomas. It was only our second date — officially; we'd been friends for a little while before.

Today, he'd taken me out for dinner at a sushi restaurant, as we both liked sushi.
We laughed a lot, especially because I was basically making a fool of myself by being clumsy with chopsticks — I genuinely wanted to learn, but I'm still new to sushi and eating with chopsticks.
Everytime I thought I was doing well, it went wrong.

I shook my head as another piece of kappa maki got soaked with soy sauce. "I'm never gonna be good at this," I sighed.
Thomas chuckled. "You will. But for now, I enjoy watching you," he said as he picked up a piece of nigiri with salmon, dipped it into the soy sauce and ate it.
"How do you do that!" I laughed, finally being able to eat my sushi with way too much sauce.

By the end of our all-you-can-eat dinner, I'd actually improved my skills. Nigiri sushi was still way out of reach, but I'd managed to be able to eat some maki.
We were both full, and decided to ask for the bill, which Thomas insisted to pay. "I invited you," was his reason. I finally gave in, under the condition that I would pay next time.

It was raining when we stepped outside. "Shuck," I heard Thomas say under his breath.
"It's not that much rain, and it's not that far to the car. Let's just go," I replied.

So we stepped into the rain, without an umbrella. But I had a hoodie, and Thomas didn't. And at first he didn't really mind, but then the rain got worse, so we walked faster.

And then we saw a flash.

A few seconds later we heard the thunder.
I heard Thomas say something, but couldn't hear what, and then he took off, sprinting away from me.
"Tommy, wait!" I yelled after him, and followed him.

Fortunately, my car wasn't far away, and as soon as it came into sight, I pressed the unlock button on my key. "It's open," I tried to shout to Thomas over the noice of the rain and storm. "Get in the car!"

I was a little bit behind; Thomas was a fast runner and I... well, I couldn't run as fast because of my limp I'd gotten because of an earlier incident.

Before I got in the car as well, I quickly opened the trunk and pulled out a blanket. My parents had put it there just in case someone would ever get cold. As if we didn't have heaters in the car, I'd always thought, but in this case it was pretty nice to have.

So I opened the door and sat down behind the wheel, next to a shaking Thomas in the passenger's seat. I started the car so I could turn on the heater, and then I quickly unfolded the blanket and wrapped it around Thomas. And then I noticed that he wasn't only shaking; he was crying, too.
"Tommy, are you okay?" I asked.
He nodded, just slightly. "Sorry," he said. "I'm afraid of thunder storms. Childhood fear. A lightning bolt hit a house near mine, and it was horrible. I've been scared of storms ever since that night."
Now it was my turn to nod. "It's okay, Tommy. You're safe. You're in a car — cars are pretty safe, they act as 'Faraday cages,'" I say as I pull him closer and hug him, "Okay?"
"I have no idea what a 'Faraway cage' is."
"That's okay. All you need to know is that you're safe here. With me."

We stayed there, in the car, sitting close to each other for about twenty more minutes, when the storm was at its worst. Thomas kept shaking, and I kept telling him that he was safe and I wouldn't leave him.

When the storm had calmed down a bit, and Thomas had too, I drove back home. Instead of dropping my date off at his house, I drove to mine.
I knew Thomas would be home alone, and with the current weather predictions, which included more thunder storms, it didn't feel good to leave him behind like that. So I took him home with me, gave him some dry, comfy clothes, told him to take a shower and make himself at home.

I quickly took a shower after Thomas had gotten out of the bathroom, changed into my pyjamas and walked into the living room, with a large blanket.
Thomas was already there, on the couch, and I gave him the blanket.
I then took off to the kitchen and a few minutes later I returned with two cups of hot chocolate, which I put on the table before sitting down next to my date. Thomas immediately offered me a part of the blanket.
"Thank you for all this, Newt," he said when I handed him his mug. "You didn't have to do all this."
"You're welcome. And of course — I couldn't possibly leave you all alone like this." I smiled at him. "And, I like having you around."
"You're sweet," Thomas said, carefully moving closer to me. "I like having you around, too."
I said nothing, I just rested my head on his shoulder.

We stayed like this for a while, drinking hot chocolate and watching some movies on Netflix, completely forgetting about the weather outside and a few hours later, Thomas went home.

A/N; hi!
Aaaaand it's been a while again, I'm soooo sorry! I think I'll have some more time to write from now on, since I've finished school, so I hope my inspiration won't disappoint me and will let me write.
I got this idea earlier this week, literally during a thunder storm and I was like "oh hey I could write a oneshot about this!" (Although the real life situation wasn't anything like this😂)
But at least it's an update, yay? :) I hope you guys enjoyed it!

Much love,
xNewtieCutie :)x

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