Chapter One: The Circus

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I do not own any of the DC characters. Only the plot.

"Recognized: Batman A02" the computerized voice echoed through the room as batman walked into the the room. "Recognized: Flash A04, Green Arrow A08" the members of the Justice League soon followed, grim looks on their faces.

Batman looked around the room at the eager faces of the Young Justice League, the protégés of his comrades. " We have a new mission. Follow us to the briefing room." The dark Knight said nothing more, walking on. Of course, no one really dared question the dark knight, his presence was more intimidating than ever. The YJL knew if batman was here personally, it must be serious.
By the time the teenagers entered, there was a hologram of a young boy, probably younger than any of the YJL, looking about the age of 12 or 13.

Batman cleared his throat " Do not let looks be deceiving. This is your target."
"Really?!" Kid flash interrupted " he looks no more than twelve!"

Artemis elbowed KF in the ribs, causing the speedster to yelp, but quiet down so the Caped Crusader could talk once again.

" The boy is the ringleader of a traveling circus.' The Parade of a Thousand Birds'. There is said to be an assassin from the league of Shadows lurking within its members."
" So you think this kid knows something." Red Arrow, formerly known as speedy inquired.
"That is right. So your objective is to go undercover and figure out what exactly is going on in this traveling circus, find the assassin and report in. Under no circumstances do not confront the assassin on your own. Is that clear?" Batman crossed his arms.
The teens all nodded in unison.
"Man, this is so cool! I love the circus!" KF said excitedly.

M'gann nodded " I hear they are very exciting."

"More like cliche" Red Arrow scoffed.

"Remember this is a mission not a field trip." AquaLad commented in a serious tone. " we might be in are civilian personas, but we still need to be on alert. Especially since our target is an assassin."
" Yeah I still don't believe that little kid can be an assassin. He looks like I can snap his arm with one hand." Superboy added, while he crossed his arms.

"Looks can be deceiving. Remember what Batman said." AquaLad countered."The boy is young
" Conner, I'm pretty sure you can snap anyone's arm." KF laughed, earning a few chuckles from the team. " But seriously guys. How do we even find this place?"

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