Chapter Two: Robin

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"So you are the new recruits?" A burly man with blond hair leaned forward. "We always like new meat" he gave a creepy smile that made Wally shrink a bit.

This guy looks like he wants to eat us Kid flash complained over the mental link Megan had set up for them.

I'm sure he wouldn't like the taste of idiot, bay watch. Artemis noted, smirking
"Woodpecker, stop tormenting the poor kids!" A woman shoved the man known as Woodpecker aside." I am sorry about him, he loves to tease. He really is a softie I swear!"

"Common' Sparrow. Way to ruin the fun." Woodpecker sighed and walked off. Leaving the team with Sparrow

Aqualad stepped forward shaking the woman's hand."we put ourselves in your care"

Sparrow's ringlets of brown hair bounced as she talked,smiling from ear to ear." Well we welcome all to the parade. Of course we have to see your skill sets so we can properly place you."

Do we have any normal non superpower related skills? Wally thought, giving a nervous glance to the rest of the team.

Well Artemis and I have our bows.Roy noted.

Guess we could just..wing it. Haha get it? Wally smirks, getting a glare from the rest of the team
A crowd began to form during Artemis and Roy's tryout. A loud cheer arose when the two showed off their unbelievable accuracy. Kaldur and M'gann showed off their skills in acrobatics,which were just combat drills Black Canary taught them but the crowd did not know that. Connor won the crowd over with his strength, lifting thing most adults could not lift. Wally did horrible stand up comedy, and the crowd laughed along with his antics.

The laughing stopped suddenly when Wally was in the middle of a joke. And Wally panicked what did I do? They stopped laughing—

A single eerie clap echoed and crowd parted, revealing a young teen, dressed in red,black,yellow,and green. Topped off with a domino mask that covered his eyes. " I am quite whelmed, extra on the over."
Well this kid just butchered the English language Roy thought this is our main suspect, right? Looks even shorter in person.

" You will fit in here just fine." The teen out stretched out his hand to shake every one of the team's hand." Of course, before you join the best, you will need new names."

The crowd roared, cheering until the teen rose his arm to silence them, giving a bright smile. " I am the ringleader, Robin. And as initiation goes, it is simple. I give you a name, and you embrace it. To the tent!" The teen announced and the crowd cheered once more. "Follow me!" Robin motioned for the teens to follow.

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