Chapter Twenty-Six: Arrival

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Hey little Birdies!
Look! I drew  a quick Cardinal composition doodle. This is how I see her. Not that that is important. (Picture above)
Robin grabbed his backpack, humming a tune as he got everything set, dusting off his top hat. It has been far too long, but now he finally gets to see his family again. That is what truly matters. "Wonder how Dove is holding up..she is supposedly hosting the wedding this time around.." Dick chuckled to himself. Dove being the perfectionist she is, will probably be completely stressed out..He will probably have to help her out.

"Guys!" Wally sped in with a trunk that he brought out from his souvenir room. "I got our costumes!"

"There is no way I am wearing that again." Roy grumbled unhappily.

"What? I thought you liked the colors I chose for you." Dick teased, watching as the team pulled out the outfits Peacock had created for them. Robin sighed contently, glad that his teammates, well most of them, were being cooperative during this little vacation. After the team changed, even Roy much to his displeasure however, Robin picked up the rest of his supplies, grinning."We will leave in ten minutes, the circus is currently at the outer city lines of Gotham so we can use Zeta tubes and then walk the rest of the way.

"I am not walking in public with this on " Roy grumbled but then sighed, not wanting to ruin the mood of their youngest. " We are taking the alleyways as much as possible."


There was a loud commotion going on when the team reached the tent. There was a lot of hustle and bustle, laughing and the occasional sound of something breaking. The Team looked around only to realize that Robin had vanished from the usual.

"Dude, Robin left us here.." Wally groaned a bit, feeling now out of place sense the only person really connecting them to the circus was gone.

"He probably did so for a reason." Connor shook his head. "He always has a reason...usually."

"You are always defending him Connor." Roy scoffed a bit. "How you two are friends is still a mystery."

Connor laughed a bit at that. "It just takes patience."

"Something you usually have very little of" Artemis commented.

"Hummingbird!" A voice rang through the crowd.

Wally jumped a bit, almost forgetting that is what he was called here. He turned to see a black haired beauty running his way and embracing him. "Oh, long time no see Cardinal." Wally stammered a bit at the hug and at the fact that Artemis was giving him the death glare.

Cardinal grinned, her brown eyes gleaming with happiness. "I missed you little bud, I was just beginning to get used to having a partner in my act and you just off and disappeared!" She let out a laugh before letting go and hugging the rest of the team. "Welcome back to the nest my friends." Cardinal then turned back to wally and then back to Artemis, a knowing smile on her face." Hmm, perhaps there will be another wedding sooner than I thought.."

"What are you talking about!?" Wally's face went completely red and so did Artemis' "I..It is not like that at all!"

"I would never..with baywatch!? Gross!" Artemis agreed.

The rest of the team laughed along with Cardinal at the two teen's embarrassment before Cardinal looked around. "Well I was expecting Robin to come along with you..But I do not see him... Where has that song bird gone off to?... He better not be doing what I think he is.."

"And what would that be exactly?" Roy asked.

"A prank on the groom...Alas, poor Woodpecker..may he rest in peace." Cardinal shook her head before turning to Wally again. "Hummingbird, Are you going to do an act with me for the third day of celebration?""

Wally grinned "Yeah! Firebreathing is totally awesome."

Cardinal smiled happily before turning to face the main circus tent. "I must be going, Swan wanted help with the refreshments, and my refreshments I mean spirits, and by help I mean drinking us dry." She winks and waves before running towards the tent. "See you later! Tell the song bird I said hello!"

Connor watched the woman leave, smirking a little. "Robin was not joking about the 'song bird' thing, was he?"

"Man, I wonder what he sounds like, I bet it is crazy bad and that's why they tease him so much!" Wally laughed. "I'm going to find him and ask, don't start partying without me!" And with that Wally ran, at a dramatically slow human speed, to find his teammate Robin. Wally checked every tent to find that Robin was not in any of them. It was beginning to worry him a bit until he ran into Woodpecker and got distracted.  Chatting with him a bit and telling him congratulations many times before beginning to walk off. But then it hit him, pink slime fell over on top of his head. "What the!?" Wally blinked touching his hair before bringing his hand to his face to examine what fell on him.

"Damn..I missed.." Wally heard a familiar voice and looked up once more to see Robin perched at the top of the tent with a bucket. "Sorry Hummingbird!~ That was meant for Woodpecker I swear!" Robin jumped from the tent and did a flip before landing gracefully to the ground."

"Robin!" Woodpecker gleamed but then frowned. "What you mean that was for me?"

"What even is this stuff?" Wally asked, it had a potent smell to it, but he could not put a finger on what exactly it smelled like.

Robin shrugged a bit, smiling "Hot pink hair dye."

Wally's eyes widened "What!? Dude! Not cool!"

Woodpecker sighed in relief glad that he was spared from the young ringleader's prank, even if it was sheer luck. "Thanks Hummingbird for making sure I did not have pink hair on my wedding day." Robin laughed even more at the comment.

Wally huffed a bit. "This is not over Rob, You just started a war, and I vow to win!"

"Whatever you say~" Robin grinned. "Well better go see Dove! Good luck with washing that out" Robin quickly changed the subject like it was nothing.The boy cackled and ran off, already planning for the next prank.

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