Chapter Twenty-Two: You Changed

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When M'gann was within range of Robin again, the mental link was full of screams and cries. And then a second wave of pain rushed over her, causing her to gasp. Robin was losing it, she felt it. The team rushed over to the source of the screams but out loud, all they heard was laughing. Robin cackled, a mad laugh that would even make the joker freeze in his tracks. The boy was kneeling on the ground, laughing and body trembling. M'gann was about to step forward and go to his aid, but Kaldur stopped her.

"He is dangerous.. we should contact the League.." Kaldur looked over hesitantly to the still laughing Robin who was now hugging his knees, tears sliding down from under his mask.

"He is in pain!" M'gann protested. "I can't just sit here and watch our friend suffer!" More screams could be heard over the mental link, incoherent ramblings that made no sense whatsoever.

"Turn off the link M'gann! I can't handle the screams!" Artemis put a hand to her ears, not being able to stomach the pained screams.

M'gann turned off the link, and now the team turned back to stare at their youngest member, unsure what to do with him.

"Right now he is not your friend, he is an unpredictable threat, we need to keep our distance." Roy frowned, it did not take a mind reader to know that the boy was in pain.

Connor stepped forward. "Go get the bioship and get into contact with the League, I will stay here with Robin and try to calm him down."

"Dude, you two don't really get along, I can watch him if you want." Wally said hesitantly, eying the crying boy.

"He does not need to be surrounded, it will make it harder for him to calm down! I said I will watch him, so leave and get help!" Connor snapped at, rage filling his voice.

The speedster let out a quiet yelp and hid behind M'gann, who was still staring at the raven-haired hero. The emotions he let off were so confusing, if she stayed here much longer, she might become mad as well. "I need to go.." she whispered before flying off towards the bioship, tears in her eyes.

Roy and Artemis were the next to leave, wally soon following after. They went to clean up what was left of Bane's henchmen.That left Kaldur, Connor, and robin left in the clearing.

"There was not a transaction, it was false information." Kaldur looked at Connor, eyes concerned. "I believe it was a trap to bring Robin here.."

"We can handle that later, just go at get the League... I am going to try and calm Robin down.

"Please do be careful" Kaldur then left the clearing, leaving Connor and Robin alone."

"Robin.." Connor slowly kneeled next to the other, placing a hand on his shoulder.

Robin bolted up, grabbing a hidden blade and holding it right to Superboy's neck with no hesitation whatsoever. " Get your hands off me!" He hissed slightly before stopping in horror, dropping the blade. "I don't want to do that..I don't want to kill him.."He whimpered, holding his head again screaming in agony. "No! Nonononononono!"

"Robin!" Connor panicked a bit at the others behavior, panting both hands on his shoulder this time. "Robin look at me! you are not going to kill me okay? You have changed."

Robin muttered to himself. "I can't change..I am a killer there is no changing.."

Connor ripped off Robin's mask, now staring at the fearful blue eyes of his friend. "Listen to me! You are not a killer, you are Dick did change!" Connor did not like how desperate his own voice sounded, but he needed to get through to Dick, he just had to. He kept his hands planted on the boy's shoulder as if he would float away if he did not do so. He could hear the rapid heartbeat of his friend, he needed to slow it down before he goes into shock. "Dick need to calm down okay?"

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