Chapter Seventeen: Talking

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"HEY! You are wrapping them far too tight! I can feel my heartbeat in my arm" Dick complained, trying to flex his fingers to get circulation into them.

"Sorry, I am new at this."Connor sighed, loosening the bandages before re-wrapping a few of richards wounds with bandages. "I was not the only one who saved you, I should not be taking the credit"

Richard shrugged slightly "It wouldn't matter, Bruce is persistent...Sorry that I dragged you into this." The boy frowned unhappily, feeling a bit awkward for having his teammate so close to his true identity. "I'm sure if you escape out the window, he would not chase you down." Dick chuckled a bit half-heartedly. Sure, it was completely weird that someone who hates him is in the entertainment room wrapping his injuries, but it was an interesting change of pace. It made his life seem a little bit more..what is the word...normal? Well as normal as being an ex-assassin being supervised under a vigilante dressed as a bat who is pretending to be his father figure so he can learn the ways of being a hero can get. Wow, if he sold his life story, it would surely turn into the best soap opera out there..his life was just a mess!

"No, I will stay." Connor said in a confronting tone, snapping Richard out of his own thoughts. He might have just met Dick, but he felt the urge to stay by his side. Even though he does seem to be a very spoiled brat from the looks of where he lives.

The raven haired teen's eyes widened, but nodded nonetheless."Well, for what it is worth, I am glad that you are here. Dinners are always awkward with Bruce, far too quiet." Who was he kidding? It was going to be even more awkward with Connor there beside him. At least bruce can't bring up baby pictures...that would be the day. Dick smirked as a thought of Batman holding out his wallet to show other heroes things like : 'First bad guy he put into prison' and 'First day of hacking evil organization data bases'. Yeah...not ever happening. 

"He seemed worried about you though..that is a good sign..that he cares." Connor nodded, sitting next to Dick when he finished treating the other teen's wounds.

"Can I ask you something?" Dick asked cautiously, seeming to be torn whether or not to ask or not.

Connor frowned a bit at the tone in the other's voice, it was far too serious for the chipper boy. "Depends on the question, I suppose."

Dick let out a shaky sigh, unsure how exactly to put what he was going to ask into to words. "Do..." He frowned, focusing more. "Do you think people can change? If all their life they were taught to believe one thing, but now they have to believe in something completely different...almost the opposite of before. Can they change."

Superboy thought about what the other had said, not sure how to respond to such a question. "I believe...That if they truly wanted to change..."He paused a bit, was this about Richard? What possibly did the boy want to change? He seemed relatively normal. "They would struggle.."

Dick felt his heart sink. "oh..." he deadpanned.

"But, there would still be a chance for change." Connor added finally. Now more curious on why the boy looked so defeated by his words.

"Connor..I need to tell you something..." Dick's words were filled with sorrow, which worried the Kryptonian more than ever. "Connor.. I Am--"

"Master Dick, dinner is ready. Please bring your guest along and come downstairs." Alfred opened the door, interrupting what Richard was saying, before leaving to set up the dining ware.

"You are what?" Connor asked after the butler left.

Dick sighed, shaking his head. "I will tell you after dinner."


The dinner was awkward just like Dick had expected. No one spoke much, but Bruce put in light topics of conversation to keep up the facade that he was just some wealthy carefree playboy. Honestly, Richard was still questioning why he let one of the YJ members so openly in his home. He just did not understand what was going on in that Batbrain of his. Dick sighed a bit, moving a few pieces of food along his plate. What was he thinking?! He was about to tell Connor that he was Robin! Why in the hell would he ever tell Connor of all people who he was? He hated his guts! But..would he hate him more for keeping it a secret? Connor is technically his first real friend. True, the rest of the team welcomed him with open arms and were friendly..but he never opened up to any of them like he did connor. He let himself slip into a personal could he allow himself to be so stupid. Assassins..even ex-assassins did not talk about their feelings. It made Dick sick to his stomach, and now he was mentally beating himself up for it

"Richard, Do not play with your food. If you are finished eating, why don't you show your guest around the manor. "Bruce scrunched his nose a bit, gesturing to Superboy.

Dick frowned a bit, guests were to stay in downstairs part of the manor at all time, so that no hints of their superhero identities would be revealed."Uh... I am not sure if he has to go back right away after this.." Dick stalled. Did batman lose his marbles? He can't let his teammate lurk around the halls of the manor!

"Richard I insist." Bruce's tone was firm.

Dick gulped, looking completely uneasy, it was like he walked into the twilight zone. Batman must have lost his marbles, there is no other explanation! Dick stared at Bruce with utter shock, trying to figure out what the Bat was trying to say to him.Bruce just gave a small nod before going back to his food.Was he saying it was okay to let Superboy know? That can't be it..It would give away his identity too! "Bruce..I--"

"Richard, it is alright." Bruce smiled. He knew exactly what he was doing. He overheard the boy opening up to the other teen..It was the first time he ever made an effort..there was no way he was not going to cease this opportunity. Perhaps it will help the other teen out as well..who knows.

Dick shivered a bit but sighed, giving a small nod. "May we be excused?" Superboy gave him a questioning look but he ignored it. Grabbing the other teen's hand. He knew exactly where to start.


Hello my little Birdies!

Sorry for another short chapter :( 

Just want to say thank you for the 1k views! You all are absolutely amazing!

Also, In celebration, I am thinking about opening up a new story that I was writing. It was a reader x Robin Fanfiction. Of course, I am still not sure if it is worth posting or not, so please tell me if you want it uploaded or not. (believe me though: It is nothing special)




that is all.

Have an amazing day.


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