Chapter Eight: Answers

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Hey guys! I know you are all pretty disappointed that the YJL could not perform in the Parade Of A Thousand Birds, so I did a little something for you all. That's right, I (tried) drew the team in their circus costumes cause why not. (Picture above) Not much of an artist or a costume designer.. But I tried lol..
Anyways enjoy the story!

Robin sighed shakily, unsure where to exactly start, or where to end at that matter. He glanced slightly at the one way mirror. "Are they listening?" The boy frowned a bit.

"Only the league, all Young Justice members left for a mission."

"Convenient." The boy mutters but sighs.

"Are you ready to answer our questions Robin?" Batman continued, hoping that the boy won't start another game with him and take the questions seriously. "If you tell us what is going on, we can better protect you. And your family."

The boy shifted in his seat slightly, blue eyes casting down the the ground. "As long as none of you speak of it outside of this room, no one should be in danger." another shaky sigh and a small nod.

Batman smiled only slightly, content with that answer. "How old are you, Robin."

"I'll be thirteen next month."

Young, Batman was not surprised. "What age were you when you joined the League of Shadows."

"I didn't join It was more like forcibly recruited." Robin grumbled

"Robin please answer the question."

"I was eight... I was grabbed right after--" The boy swallowed hard, words getting caught in his throat.

Batman knew that must of been a sore topic of conversation for the boy, watching him as he began to shake. He sighed and got up, moving his chair to the other side of the table and sitting right back down next to Robin. " Robin, it's okay." Batman placed his hand gently on the boy's shoulder, who surprisingly did not move away from the kind gesture.

"A-after they died." The boy choked out, tears beginning to fall again.The boy tried to wipe the tears away, but more fell and his body continued to shake. "I-I never got to say goodbye, they took me away from my home!" The boy soon grew angry, not at batman or at any of the rest of the JL, but at the League of Shadows and himself because he could not stop crying.

"Robin, I need you to calm down alright? Please tell me what happened." Batman looked at the one way mirror, giving a glance of desperation for help. He didn't have a protege, he did not know how to handle a child.

But the help he got, was definitely not his first choice .

Flash raced in and sat down on the table, giving a kind smile. "Hey kiddo. Let's not cry okay? What happened to that chipper little bird from earlier who was giving the Bat here a hard time?"

Robin looked up at The Flash, looking a little confused on why he was even in there with them. He stopped crying, sniffling a bit and tilted his head slightly.

Batman let out a relieved sigh, Barry defused the bomb known as Robin, that idiot's smile even got Robin to smile again. That was a good sign.

The Flash sat next to Robin and Batman before turning to face the boy. "Look I know this is hard. You might have been trained to be a killer, but you are still a kid." Barry patted the boy's Raven hair. "Meaning it's okay to rely on adults for a change. No one here will judge you. We just want to help you out okay there little bird?"

Robin nodded and let out a small sigh to calm himself down. "Richard. My name is Richard Grayson."

Batman frowned a bit. He heard the name Grayson before but was unsure of where. He stayed quiet in hopes that he will get some more information to help him figure out where he heard the name before. 

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