Chapter Eleven: Awkward

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The shower had to be a record time, well maybe not if The Flash was involved. Robin got dressed and bolted down to the Batcave, eager to see what was in store for him. "I'm ready!" The teen grinned from ear to ear. "So where are we going?"

"Your hair is dripping." Batman noticed and the boy felt his hair, realizing he still had suds in his hair. "Awe man.."

"That is what happens when you try to to cut corners. Go back and rince of ALL the soap this time." The Dark Knight said in a stern voice, but a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.

The boy groaned and walked back up to the mansion, washing his hair and making sure he go every single sud.

Batman waited, sighing a little bit. It was hard to believe that the boy used to be an assassin. The boy is always smiling and playing around, the halls of the Wayne Manor have never been more lively. Though the boy still has bad habits. Batman had noticed that the boy never looked in reflective surfaces without a mask, and would always stay in the shadows when guests were over, which seemed very out of character for such an energetic teen. On several occasions the guests thought his home was haunted, because they would hear footsteps and turn around to find no one there. The only people the boy was willing to talk to was Alfred and Bruce, otherwise he became quite antisocial. Bruce hoped that the letter from the circus would help the boy open up a little more, perhaps now this will be easier. Batman was interrupted from his thoughts when the boy raced down.
"BRUUUUCCCEEE TELL MEEEEEE" Robin chirped, tripping over a step but recovered by a back handspring. "Perfect ten." he said to himself before, walking the rest of the way. "Bruce tell me where we are goooiinnngggggg"

"Calm down we are heading there now." Batman walked into the Zeta Tube and Robin following behind.
---------------------------(whoosh! )-------------------

"Recognized: Batman A02 and Guest." the metallic voice echoed through the cave in Mount Justice.

The Young Justice League, who were in the lounge, turned around in curiosity when they heard the word 'guest'. They sat there shocked when they saw a familiar masked face alongside Batman, looking around.

"Wait, isn't this the place where those kids hang out?" Robin frowned a bit, eying the group on the couch. "Guess it is."

Wally raced over, stopping right in front of Robin. "Hey who are you calling a kid?! You're younger than any of us!"

Robin grinned a bit. "Hummingbird! Or should I call you Kid Flash?"

"Just call me Wally." The redhead extended his arm and Robin shaked it.

"Well I am still Robin so.." Robin was told not to give out his civilian identity to anyone, it would almost instantly connect Bruce Wayne to being batman. So the less who knew, the better.

"Why is he here." Superboy stood up, his voice demanding.

"Connor calm down" M'gann whispered, also standing up. She did not look robin in the eye, however. She heard how Robin was just saying those things to protect the circus, and she felt guilty for punching him.

Robin looked up at Batman. "Why AM I here Batman?" the boy frowned at the other teens, before looking back to his mentor.

"That is just what I said." Superboy grumbles.

"You are looking at your new team member." Batman announced, nudging poor Robin into the middle of the floor. "Introduce yourself."

"They already know who I am." the boy grumbled a bit, not liking having this brought up on him out of the blue. "And do I get to even have a say in this? Or did they?"

"I thought it best that you learn teamwork with kids around your age." Batman said in a deadpan tone, a tone Robin knew to be the you-won't-win-this-argument tone.

"Is this about the 'ghost in the chandelier' incident? I was just trying to fix the lightbulb I swear." the boy complained.

A sea of confused teen faces.

"Robin this is about learning how to work with a well organized group. If you are going to complain any more about this, I will have no other choice than to retire you from your hero duties."

The boy shut his mouth quickly, and looked down at the floor, going quiet and nodding his head.

Batman looked at the teens with his signature bat-glare. "I expect you to treat him as a functioning member of the team. I will know if there are any complications. I assure you there will be repercussions if there is going to be trouble." And with that, the Caped Crusader left, leaving the teens frozen in fear.

"Leaving: Batman A02" the robotic voice called.

One minute of awkward silence.

Two minutes of awkward silence.

Three minutes of awkward silence.

Four minutes of---

"So are we just going to stand here and stare at me like I am growing a third limb, or are we going to do something?" Robin frowned.

Superboy grumbled something before leaving the lounge and heading to his room, M'gann following after silently.

That left Kf, Red Arrow, Artemis, and Aqualad. The four stayed quiet for a few moments longer before Wally spoke up. " So what's it like living with Batman?"

"We eat bugs and sleep upside down." The boy answered back , sighing when the redhead took it seriously. "I was joking. It is relatively normal.. for what the situation is." Robin added

Wally nodded slowly and then Artemis shook her head sighing. "Ignore Kid idiot, he is the most gullible person I know."

"Shut up Blondie." Wally muttered to himself.

"So what are you bringing to this team." Roy asked skeptically.

"Just think of me as a mini Batman. Minus the the frowning and no sense of humor." The Boy grinned, Wally laughed at that. It felt good to break the ice.

Kaldur chuckled a bit and shook Robin's hand. " We might not be the circus members that you first met, but to us.. This our family."

Roy scoffed a little bit and Artemis muttered something under the lines of 'cheesy'.

Robin laughed as well "Hope you are all ready for an annoying little brother then." He gave a cheeky smile and winked at both the archers, who just rolled their eyes.

This might not be that bad.

Hey Birdies~
Robin is finally part of young justice.
Just so we are clear:

A: I do not own any DC characters

B: There won't be many if not any parts from the real Young Justice

C: I enjoy tacos

D: I love you all

E: You are not what you eat because that would make cannibals the only humans.

F: I went way off track here. Oops

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