Chapter Twenty-Nine: Day Three, The End

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Robin stared absently at the acts that were being performed and the smiles of everyone around him. His would be the last act and it was the act that everyone was looking forward to. It is a shame that they will be disappointed with how all of this will turn out. Robin sighed heavily, eyes wandering over to the act that was currently going on, Wally's and Cardinal's...the act was quite stunning for Wally being a beginner and Robin could have sworn that he winked at Artemis when it was over..they must have chatted after the little pep talk he gave wally. At least something came good out of yesterday. After the group took their bows , Artemis and Roy walked up to the stage. Roy had been very suspicious of him at their time at the circus, he obviously knew something was up with the young bird but could never compile enough evidence to confront him about it. Artemis and Roy showed off their archery, hitting targets that were almost impossible to hit. The crowd cheered loudly as the targets continued to increase in difficulty. Robin watched blankly, unaware that at some point Kaldur sat next to him.

"You seem troubled friend." he noted, Robin looked up. He tried to smile, but there was no way he could, he could not bring himself to do it anymore. This worried Kaldur.

"I am troubled... but there is nothing you guys can do about it unfortunately I am between a rock and a hard place"

"Care to elaborate?" Kalur pressed, wondering what was going on in his teammate's head. His face looked so grim and serious, and the fact he admitted he was troubled stuck more fear.

Robin shook his head once again a sad smile forming on his face. " I found a way to get out of it, but will you do me a favor Kaldur?"

Kaldur frowned more "Anything."

Robin smiled a bit. "I left something for the team in my tent, I want you to receive it when my act comes up. I want you to all be there and read it."

"We could do that after your act, if is a letter why not tell us now.."

"No, it has to be during." Robin's voice grew cold, causing Kaldur to flinch. "It is the only way you can help me Kaldur, please." Robin pressed on. "It is important information that I can not speak of out here..League business. The Team is only all together when my act is on and since I already know the information, I do not need to be there."

It sounded logical enough to Kaldur, and he nodded, though curious to know what information the letter held in Robin's tent. "I will do as you ask."

Robin smiled again softly before his eyes turned to the second last act which included M'gann and Connor. "Round them them up and go to the tent, I need to get ready. And Kaldur? Thank you..for everything."

Kaldur watched Robin stand before heading to gather the team together, finding wally first. "Robin wants us at his tent, find the others and bring them there, we need to all be there."

Wally nodded slowly but was confused at why Robin was so insistent that this needed to be done. However, the grave tone in the Atlantean's voice meant it was very important. He nodded and went to find artemis and roy while Kaldur collected Connor and M'gann after their act was finished. They all slipped out of the main tent, who was cheering as Robin entered the center of the tent, giving a large bow.

"What could be so important that we needed to leave before his act started? Could we have not waited until after his act so we could all be here?" Roy frowned, feeling very uneasy about this whole situation.

Kaldur took the a few pieces of paper off a desk beside Robin's hammock. "This is what he wanted us to read." Kaldur opened the letter and began to read it out for the rest of the team.

" Dear friends,

I know you must be wondering why I made you all leave during my act. It was partially out of my own selfishness but I also needed you all together to read this. Listen closely. Slade is somewhere on the grounds and is most likely watching my act as we speak. More importantly, he is threatening everyone in it. I am not sure what form of attack he plans, but he has threatened to kill everyone in the circus if i do not return to the league. This was a very hard choice to make and you will soon see why, but before you take any action, please finish the letter for it has very important instructions.

First of all, I left a flash drive in the left wall of the Training room in Mount justice. In there you will find some very important information about the league..sorry for lying about destroying it all, but it was for all of your safety I promise you.

Secondly, Be careful when facing slade, he has weapons, but that does not mean he needs them, stay united and fight with all you got.

Third, The second page of this letter has locations of where I have written letters for you all to read and who they are for. Why I can't give them to you now will be answered soon.

By now you must all be wondering why I this seems to be rambling of a small bird, but This was just to stall. I am sorry guys for tricking you. In the end I did betray you all and I am sorry for using your trust against you. As I said in the beginning, I was selfish and did not want you to see what happened next. I guess I did not change as much as I hoped I have. Thank you for being there for me.

Goodbye and stay Traught,


Right after Kaldur finished the letter, screams and cries could be heard from out of the tent. The team rushed out to see what was the commotion only to see their comrade on the floor in the center of the tent, lying lifelessly in a puddle of red, a smile on his face.

M'gann gasped and covered her eyes, unable to look at the scene in front of them. The rope had snapped during the act and Robin had taken a swan dive to his demise.

"That idiot." Connor gritted his teeth, in full blown rage, he needed to punch something, anyone, hell he wanted to punch Dick. He made them leave so none of them could catch him! And now he ended out just like his parents. Connor shoved through the crowd and stood above Robin, tears threatening to overflow from his eyes, falling to his knees"You did change..and now.." Now he was gone the same way his parents had gone. "You did change so why.." He punched the floor screaming out. "Why did you choose this!?" He stared at the boys smile remembering what he said.

'It gave me a sense of freedom'



ANNNNNND that is the end..haha please do not kill me.

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