Chapter Nine: Batman and Robin

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Robin slept like a rock. The second he touched the bed after being patched up in the Medical Ward, he passed out.

The League took turns keeping tabs on him, but the boy just slept on without a care in the world.

In the morning batman arrived to a still sleeping Grayson." Any difficulties?"

The flash chuckled " The only difficulty we are going to have is actually waking the kid up."

Bruce smiled faintly " I brought some new clothes for the kid. "The Flash rose an eyebrow but nodded, stepping aside so Batman could walk throughout the boy's door.Batman slowly kneeled next to the sleeping boy, shaking his shoulder gently " is time to wake up:"

The boy groaned a bit and stirred, opening his eyes and squinting " I thought bats were nocturnal "

The flash laughed at the comment and walked next to Bruce " Com'on kid, don't you want to know what the Bat here wanted to say?"

That got Robin's attention,he bolted out of bed, smile across his face.

Batman sighed a bit and held out a neatly folded pile of clothes." Flash, show the kid where the showers are. Shower and get changed. I will wait."

The teen groaned unhappily at this. He wanted to talk to Batman now, but then he realized he was covered in dirt and blood. "...I guess a shower wouldn't kill me."
Robin quickly dried off and changed into the jeans and red t-shirt Batman had given him. They were pretty baggy because batman didn't know what the kid wore or what size Robin was, he probably grabbed the first thing he saw on the shelves of a store and hightailed out of there. Robin chuckled a bit, but frowned when he looked in the mirror. He sighed a bit when he saw his eyes. He never liked seeing himself in the mirror, he had his mother's eyes. His heartstrings tugged a bit every time he saw his eyes and the pain was unbearable sometimes. Robin quickly grabbed his mask and put it on, relaxing at the new appearance in the mirror before walking out. He found Batman by the door, arms crossed and waiting patiently. He looked at Robin and the mask but said nothing, seeming to respect the boy's privacy.

"Let's go." He started walking and Robin followed like a duckling at the Dark Knight's heels quietly.

They continued walking. It took a lot of focus on Dick's part not to be distracted by the gadgets and gizmos that were scattered in Mount Justice. However, his focus never stopped him from smiling like a complete idiot.

Batman turned a corner into a room which looked like the debriefing Room. That is because it was. There was most of the JL sitting at a large rectangular table, looking up at Batman and the boy.

" I know you are all wondering why I called you here and why Richard here is with me." Small agreeing nods from all at the table " Well let's just get to the point then." Batman placed a firm hand on Richard's shoulder, making the boy flinch." I decided it was about time I found myself a protégé."
----------(one large uproar later)-------

After the absolute chaos in the debriefing room, Robin was lead out by batman. The poor boy was frozen stiff from shock and had to be guided to sit down.

" Richard are you alright?" The Dark Knight's face frowned a bit in worry

" You.. I....what?..." The boy choked out and Batman chuckled and sighed.

" Yes. From now on, you are Robin, protégé of Batman.

The boy sat quiet for a second ,looking as if he were in deep thought before opening his mouth. ""

"So?" Batman asked

The boy grinned " Does this mean I get the drive the Batmobile?" His voice dripping with excitement.

"Of all the things to ask." Bruce chuckled and stood up. "Come along, I want to show you the cave. We need to discuss your new hero identity as well."

" The cave? AS IN THE BATCAVE?!" The teen was basically jumping up and down now, smile splitting his face. " Man, Woodpecker would be so jealous!"

The Dark Knight started walking, Dick not falling too far behind. " I already made living arrangements for you as well. You will be living with me."

As if the teen wasn't shocked enough as it was. " But wait, you are Bruce Wayne. I mean that means I would be living.."

"In my mansion, yes." Batman replied.

"Pinch me I think I'm dreaming." The ex-assassin laughed happily, the laugh echoing off the walls. " This is like a superhero version of Annie."

"Just hurry along Richard."

"Whatever you say 'Daddy Warbats' " the boy chirped

Boy was the house huge. Robin could fit his whole circus in here. "No way! You have a butler!" Robin ran, skidding to a stop, I front of the silver-haired butler.

" I take it you are Master Richard, yes?" Alfred asked giving the boy a kind smile

" That's me, the one and only."

" I will have breakfast waiting in the dining room shortly"

" Thank you Alfred. We will be there right after I show him his room."

" Alright, Master Bruce."

Robin looked up the staircase to the second floor of the mansion. " I am almost tempted to sing 'I think I am going to like it here'..."

Bruce chuckled a bit, placing his hand on his newest resident's shoulder. " I do hope you like it here Richard."

"Call me Dick." The boy grinned.

Batman nodded "Okay,Dick. Let's go and see your new room."

Heyyyyyy. Sorry for the somewhat shorter chapter. Hope you don't mind too much. Anyways thank you for voting and commenting what you think. And I am happy to hear that my storyline is a success so far. I will be sure to keep it as interesting as possible for you all! Thank you again for all of your support.
I love you all.

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