Chapter Twelve: Team Bonding

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"Hey Rob!" Wally ran up to the raven haired teen grinning like an idiot. " Do you know what day it is today?"

" Saturday?" The boy blinked in confusion, not sure exactly what the redhead was going with this.

" It's the weekend! And guess who got us all tickets to to the greatest place ever?"

" Where exactly is that?" Robin sighed. He already planned out his weekend, it included training and possibly a Back to the Future marathon. Besides, this had the stench of Batman all over it. Why did he have to do social things? He didn't see Batman giving the rest of the Justice League high fives and motivational pep talks...why did he have to?

" Happy Harbor Land of course!" Wally chuckled, holding up several paper tickets.

M'gann and Connor walked into the lounge area, M'gann smiling cheerfully, Connor not so much.

"And we are all taking part." Kaldur walked in, wearing a grey t-shirt and some khaki shorts. " It would be nice to have some leisure time."

Roy and Artemis also walked in, in their civilian outfits as well. " We are ready."

"Hold on, how come I'm the only one who didn't know about this? I don't want to go."

" Too bad" Artemis grabbed Robin by the arm. " so quit complaining and get out of your superhero getup."

Robin dragged his heels " I can't! Batman told me I could not give out my identity to anyone." Honestly, he didn't want to go in general. The last thing he needed was more awkwardness. Sure, the team went in one mission; which did not go well. That's an understatement; most of the time, the team was searching for Robin; who went and did his own thing alone. He finished the mission, but the team was not happy that he left them literally in the dark. It's been a week since then and none have them really spoke to him. So why now all of a sudden? It didn't seem right.

" Just wear some shades." Wally smiled a bit helping Artemis out by grabbing the teen's other arm and helping her drag him along." Common it will be fun!"

" I would rather train." Robin sighed unhappily.

" That is all you ever do, Robin. You're still a kid, and kids should get out and have some fun!" Wally shoved Robin into his room. " Now get dressed and let's go!"


Robin looked up at the arch that opened up to the entrance of the theme park. Of all places, why a theme park? He shoved his hands into his jeans. " So we are here again because..."

Artemis slapped Robin upside the head." To have fun. Why else?"

" Guys! Let's go on that!" Wally pointed to the largest roller coaster, vibrating with excitement "it looks fast!"

Roy rolled his eyes " you probably will be disappointed Wally, you can probably go faster than it."

" Oh don't be such a party pooper Roy." Wally pouted.

" Can I go back to mount Justice now?" Robin complained childishly.

" Nope" Artemis shook her head, grabbing Robin by the arm again." Let's go in Wally's dumb ride."

" It's not dumb!" Wally protested .

"After that one can we go in the water one?" M'gann asked, pointing to the log ride. " It looks refreshing."

" It is hot out." Kaldur agreed.

" you just want to go on the water ride, saltwater." Robin grumbles a bit, getting dragged to the line.

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