Chapter Twenty: A New Mission

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The team was a little more than surprised when Robin and Superboy came to Mount Justice together. Even more, talking to each other. It was like the team walked into some alternate universe. Connor would have never been within a ten fun radius with Robin without causing some kind of fight. So seeing both the teens together in such a casual matter, was more than a shock. Robin gave a smile and a wave in greeting to the team, like this was an everyday occurrence. "Yo, what's up team?"He smirked, using his usual chipper tone.

Wally raced over. "What you two are friends now?" He asked looking more than confused.

Robin simply shrugged, not wanting to go into any detail about what happened, and he did not plan on it either. "We ran into each other in Gotham."

"Speaking of Gotham.." Kaldur stepped in "How was that boy we saved Connor? I hope he is well."

Superboy glanced at Robin for a second before back to the team. "He is doing fine."

"Robin, where did you get all these cuts and bruises from?" M'gann came over, examining Robin's arms, worry obviously on her face. Sure the boy was an ex-assassin, but he was still a child. Often M'gann sensed strong emotions of pain coming from the young teen..and it always bothered her that he would always smile even though he felt this way. M'gann knew that it was rude to disturb people's privacy by reading their mind..but it has never been so tempting to see what was so emotionally devastating to cause a child such distress. More than anything, she wanted to try and help. She looked at Connor, who simply shrugged at the question of his injured arms.

Robin flinched a bit when M'gann touched him,wanting nothing more than to move his arms away. He almost forgot about his injuries from the Joker and his goons when he was kidnapped. Come to think of it, how did the team find out so quickly about his kidnapping? He frowned slightly in thought, looking around the room slightly but then narrowed in on Artemis. She must have witnessed the kidnapping and riled up team. Thank you Artemis. Robin relaxed and took a deep breath ,not wanting to bring even more attention to him. He needed to come up with a lie and fast. "I ran into some thugs in gotham, that is where I met Superboy." Robin lied through his teeth. "So that is why you were in Gotham Supes, saving a civilian. I thought it wa strange to see you."

Connor rose his eyebrow, he knew that Robin wanted to keep his identity a secret, he would too if he went through all the things the other teen did. He nodded quietly, keeping his mouth shut.

"Hmm..So you got some team bonding in then!" Wally grinned, pulling the two of them in. "We are becoming more of a team!"

Connor looked over to Robin, who flinched at the word 'team'. He remembered what the other said, about not being able to become a team because he could not be trusted. It hurt to think that the other thought so low of himself, thinking he could not change for the better. Connor knew that he had said that it was going to be hard to he wished that he lightened the blow of his words, just to ease the other even if it was a little. It was a weird turn of events for the Kryptonian, first he hated this boy's entire being..but now..all he wanted to do was protect him. Within a day his enemy became something very similar to a brother. Connor did not know what to make of it. "So what is the mission? I thought it was urgent." He snapped out of his thoughts, going back to the point at hand.

Kaldur looked a little uneasy about the mentioning of the mission, glancing at their newest member. "Bane has a new partner in trade, and his partners are...not the usual."

Robin frowned a bit when he realized the rest of the team was giving glances at him, it made his hair on the back of his neck stand up. He did not like where this was going. "Let me guess... A certain group of assassins are involved."

The team nodded a bit and Connor looked back to Dick, wondering what his reaction would be. It was not what he was expecting.

A Smile twisted onto the boy's face, and a small cold cackle was released, making all the members of the team freeze. "It is about time I face those idiots again. I don't mind breaking a few of their bones."

"Robin, I know I called you in here...but I am not certain that you can handle this mission.." Kaldur spoke

Robin laughed a bit, shaking his head. "There is absolutely no way in hell that I will not be taking part of this mission. I am going and you cannot do anything to convince me otherwise."

Connor sighed a bit, knowing that Robin would take any chance to lash out at the League of Shadows. "I think it would be smart to take him along. He knows more about the League of Shadows more than any of us. It would be to our advantage." Connor smiled slightly when he saw Dick's eyes widen when he stood up for him. And frowned again when he saw the rest of the team gawking at him for doing just that.

"Superboy does have a point." Roy cleared his throat a bit, eyes narrowing a bit at Robin. "But I do insist that we keep an eye on him at all times."

Robin smirked a bit. "Still don't trust me Hawk?"

"It's Red Arrow." The hero glared a bit, but then sighed, Robin did not seem to be a threat, matter of fact, he seemed eager to beat the crap out of the enemy. Roy could not argue that the Raven-haired hero was on their side, but there was just something about him that made Roy's hair stand up on end. This young boy was indeed extremely dangerous.

"Now that this is all settled, Let's kick some bad guy butt!" The bird chirped, smiling from ear to ear. This was going to be the best mission yet!



Hello little birdies!

Just wanted to thank you all for reading my story so far. I did not expect people to get so excited when I updated my story..So I can say that I am pleasantly surprised. The next few chapters are going to most likely be action, maybe a few feels sprinkled here and there .(yeah I know I am an evil person) I have a few questions for you all to help me make a few discussions in my story. Here are your questions:

1: Pizza or Taco night?

2: Abandoned hospital or supposedly haunted house?

3: Do you want to hear more about what is happening in Robin's Circus 'Parade of a Thousand Birds' ?

4: Injustice League or League of Shadows?

5: Bring back prankster Robin? Prank war between Robin and KF?

That is all for now!


Thank you for reading! (again)

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