Chapter Twenty-Eight : Day Two

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The second day has come, the sun slowly rose up in the sky, dick groaned, his throat hurting from how much he used his voice yesterday. "I forgot how much stain wedding are." Dick winced out the sound of his scratchy voice. He really should not have sung last night, his throat was killing him more so than it usually would. But he had to admit, making Wally eat his words was priceless. The look on his face was absolutely hilarious. Dick sat up and stretched, grabbing a water bottle he left at the side of his hammock, guzzling down the water to relieve his throat of the burning sensation. He stepped out of his tent and grinned, seeing Wally experiencing the same problem. "I don't think anyone would live to hear these words, I believe Wally has lost his voice." Dick tried not to laugh at the glare he got in return, but failed to do so.

Artemis laughed "I was wondering why he was so tolerable to be around this morning."

Wally opened his mouth to speak but winced, rubbing his throat. Instead, he glared at the two who were joking about him.

"Come on Walls, It is hysterical. I have a secret Circus remedy to help though."

"Shhh Robin let me have this" Artemis laughed. "Let me have some peace and quiet."

"I believe we both know that you like hearing him talk." Robin chuckles a bit, laughing more at how bright red Artemis' face was. "Walls, come with me, after you should probably head over to cardinal and start planning your act for tomorrow."

Wally nodded slowly, a confused face plastered on his face as he followed after Robin.

Artemis huffed and walked off, face still burning with embarrassment.


"Any better?" Robin grinned. "Honey and pickled garlic..disgusting as ever but it definitely does the trick." Robin laughed at his friends contorted face like he just ate something sour.

"Dude..that was the worst thing I've ever tasted" Wally groaned.

"But your throat is fine now, so quit complaining."

"Hey what you said to Artemis earlier..." Wally hesitated a bit.

"No one is fooled, and I expect a wedding or at least a date from you two. Like it or not, you two were meant for each other. So who you are trying to fool fathoms me."

"Dude! not cool!" Wally groaned, face red. "...Is it really that obvious?"


Wally ran his hand through his still pink hair, sighing heavily " But she hates my guts Rob.."

"Not true and you know it. Look Walls, Artemis was definitely jealous when you were talking to Cardinal, open your eyes."

"So I should go for it?" Wally's eyes lit up.

"Not even a question there pinky."


Robin left Wally to his thoughts and walked around absently, running into M'gann. "Oh, hey M'gann, enjoying yourself?"

M'gann smiled a bit. "I have heard many stories not of only sparrow but about your times here, and it is still morning."

"So you are enjoying my embarrassing stories?" Robin chuckled a bit.

"They all look up to you so much Robin, you have such a strong sense of leadership."

Robin flinched slightly. He was not a leader, he was a coward. "They put me up on this huge pedestal..but I am only human M'gann." He sighed, not wanting to think about it anymore. "I hear you are going to do a performance with Connor this time around, I look forward to seeing it." He quickly changed the subject.

M'gann noticed this but decided not to press the other on this, He must have his reasons to change the subject. " Yes, Connor asked me yesterday to do an act with him. I was very surprised."

"Well, I am sure it will be amazing. I won't ask because I want it to be a surprise" Dick grinned a bit. "Be sure to wow me. Now let's go and listen to some embarrassing stories. "He took Megan's hand and dragged her to the big tent, where many other members of the circus were there laughing as someone spoke in the middle of the tent, telling their story. At some point, Dick was coerced to the center of the the tent, everyone cheered and before long went quiet to hear the Bird's story. "Ok ok" Dick laughed a bit, knowing that Woodpecker for a fact knew that having Robin in the center of the crowd was not a good sign at all for him. Dick smirked. "Lend me your ears because I have the best story to tell." Robin waited for the room to be completely quiet, all eyes on him. "Let me take you back to a time when Sparrow did not even know that Woodpecker existed. When Sparrow first came to the nest, you could say that woodpecker had fallen for her at first sight. He actually fell on her. Reminder to never practice an act with a pretty girl around." The crowd laughed and Woodpeckers face grew red. Dick continued with his story, saying how multiple times, Woodpecker has tried sword swallowing, luckily with dull blades, to try and impress sparrow. One time the sword got stuck and he panicked, running to Robin to help him out and how he was basically in tears. The crowd laughed and Woodpecker sighed at the laughing Sparrow who was beside him.The crowd was laughing hysterically by the time Robin had finished before moving on to the next story. Dick stepped away so others could have their turn Dick really would miss these kind of stories. Robin sighed a bit and left the big tent, he needed to prepare for tomorrow.

"Once again you're out here by yourself"

Robin jumped slightly and turned to see Connor. "Oh..yeah..I was just making some preparations for my act tomorrow."

"Trapeze right?" Connor frowned. "How come you do that? Doesn't it bring back terrible memories."

Robin gave a sad smile. "It does...But I chose to continue my parents legacy, to honor it is not as sad.Besides, it is every bird's dream to fly .It gives me a sense of freedom and release that I can't explain...having the choice to fly away from troubles..Is all one can really ask for."

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