Chapter Twenty- Seven: Day One

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Connor was a little curious about why Wally had pink hair and how Robin now seemed to be covered in powder sugar by the time he had found them. "Should I even ask?" He rose an eyebrow at his friend's grin.

Artemis snorted at Wally's pink hair. "Hey maybe they should change your name to Flamingo."

Robin grinned, trying to pat off the powdered sugar , which made a white cloud come up whenever he did so. He would pay him back for that last prank. "It is just a little fun. That is what we are supposed to do on vacations. It is time to be whelmed"

Roy rolled his eyes. "So what are we supposed to do here on the first day?"

"You're looking at it, we celebrate, come on! It is time to head over to the big tent."

"Will you be singing for us little song bird?" Artemis chuckles a bit, playfully shoving their youngest member.

"I was time." Robin grumbles a bit but smiles. "Fine..I guess it will not hurt anyone to sing..."

M'gann grinned at this. "From what I hear around here, your voice is amazing Robin, I am excited to hear it for myself."

"I bet it is actually like nails on a chalkboard" Wally chuckles slapping Robin on the back.

"Dude, not true!" Robin laughs shaking his head. " I might have been drunk, but I know for a fact that chalkboards are jealous of the sounds I can produce."

"I find this conversation is getting more idiotic by the minute." Sighs Roy, shaking his head.

"It is a time to celebrate" Kaldur chuckled. "Weddings in Atlantis are not this, I wish to experience this culture so Roy, I request you get in the spirit as well."

"Like that will happen. We are talking about Roy here." Wally laughed racing to the tent at relatively human speeds.

"Did that idiot forget that he has a mop of pink hair? They will eat him alive in there." Robin grinned, following after Wally.When they entered, it was just as Robin suspected, the other circus members were poking fun at Wally, playfully of course. Wally's face was almost as pink as his hair. Robin chuckled, and the room went completely quiet, all eyes were on Robin, looking like they had seen a ghost. Guess it has been a while since they had seen their old ringleader's face. "Wow geez, do not all talk at once.." Robin rolled his eyes and grinned. "This is a time of celebrating the two love birds, pun very much intended." Robin announced in a loud voice for all of his family to hear, glad to hear a few chuckles from the crowd. "Let us not make this about my return, instead Let us hold up a glass to the soon to be wedded couple that FINALLY decided to tie the knot." The crowd cheered loudly, rushing over to Robin and chatting about things that happened while he was gone. The celebrating started up again and smiles were on everyone's faces. It pleased Dick to see everyone together, everyone happy. When no one was looking, Robin slipped out of the tent, sighing a bit. "I know you are there. I thought I made it clear that I was not interested."

A figure stepped out from behind a tent to reveal slade. "An awfully nice party."

"How did you find me?" Robin scowled, glaring at the new presence. "You are not welcomed here, and if you as so much take another step, I will kill you where you stand."

"Oh, you are letting your true colors show, Renegade, be careful the others might see it." Slade spoke coolly. "I see that you took our last talk to heart, I must have struck a chord with you."

"Shut up and leave." Robin pulled out a hidden knife, pointing it at Slade. "Final warning."

Slade ignored the threat, waving it off. "I came to give you a choice, one that I believe that you will be quite interested in hearing."


Connor stepped out of the tent when he had discovered that Dick had disappeared from the celebration. Plus, it was far too loud for the Kryptonian's liking. He walked out to find Dick sitting on the floor, staring at the sky, face looking grim. Connor stepped over to Robin sitting next to him. "Why are you out here?"

Dick did not look away from the sky, instead he chuckled a little, his laugh lightening up the tense air that just seconds ago surrounded them both. "I was just thinking about singing in front of everyone, believe it or not, I am actually nervous."

Connor frowned a bit, Robin was definitely lying to him, but why? " not lie to me..I thought we got passed this."

Dick removed his attention from the sky and returned his gaze towards Connor. "Honestly, I was just lost in thought, I am not whelmed at all...I am actually overwhelmed." The boy laughs again, shaking his head. "Things have just changed so much that my head is spinning. I guess I did change after all."

"Isn't that what you wanted, you sound depressed about it."

Robin grinned, shoving Connor slightly, but none of this happy emotion reached his eyes. "I just feel like the change will be my downfall." Dick shrugged, his heart aching horribly. "Connor I want you to promise me something. It is nothing drastic so just hear me out."

Connor was unsure what has gotten into Dick, but he knew it was not good. The way he was acting was like the night the team had found him before he broke down. " Are you having those nightmares again. Is this what this is about? For the last time Grayson, you will not harm us, you have changed, you just admitted it."

Dick sighed heavily " I know I will not harm you, I know this for a fact now."

"What are you getting at?"

"I want you to promise me that we all celebrate full-heartedly. That's all I wanted to ask of you." Dick grinned, this time the smile reaching his eyes.

Connor relaxed slightly at that. Was that what he was worried about? Was it that simple. "Well you would be making me break that promise because you are sitting out here sulking. Let's head back inside."

Dick nodded, standing up slowly, eyes scanning the area before returning to the Celebration with Connor.



Hello My birdies!

Sorry to inform you that this story will soon be over. But do not fret! There will be a sequel, I promised someone that so I will hold to it. After all, I keep all my promises. Anyways that was not what this author's is about. 

I  just wanted to say thank you to you all who have stuck with this story. This being my first ever fan fiction and it already having 5k views is absolutely amazing. It makes me beyond happy to see people enjoying what I write. At first, it was just to help with the anxiety problems I had, however the views, votes, requests for updates, positive feedback and fan mail...It made me so much more happier than any of you could possibly believe. I honestly do not believe I deserve this much love, but I appreciate it so much and I love all of you.

Thank you my little Birdies.

For everything.


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