Chapter Sixteen: Escort

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Connor waited with the boy while his team got there. He was not really paying attention as the raven haired teenager just began to ramble on and on. He must like to hear himself talk. However, Connor did not really mind, Dick seemed to enjoy his company, which was all that mattered. Besides, he accepted to be his friend, he can't be all that bad.

"And Bruce grounded me for a week and--" The boy stopped and Connor looked up to see Artemis, Aqualad, KF, and M'gann.

"Everything is taken care of, Batman met us there but left quickly after making sure that the Joker and his minions to Arkham." Kaldur walked toward the two sitting teens, giving a quick once over of Richard. "He seems to be injured, we should treat to his wounds."

Connor frowned, Dick seemed so cheerful, it never occurred to him that his new friend could be in pain. "I can take him to the hospital--"

"That won't be necessary" Dick interfered, not wanting more attention than he has already earned. He just wanted to get out of there before he somehow gave away his identity. "I have a pretty decent first aid kit at home, and like I said, this is not the first time I have been kidnapped. I know how to treat my wounds." Dick sighed a bit. "Besides, I should probably head back before my dad has a hissy fit."

the YJ team frowned but nodded a bit, the boy seem to be able to handle his own and he did not look too injured where his life would be in danger. Well, All except Connor, who stayed by his side the whole time during the conversation.

"I will make sure he gets back home safely." Connor commented, ignoring the shocked looks on his teammate's faces.

"You okay there, Supes?" KF asked slowly, unsure why the kryptonian seemed so protective over Richard. "I mean, we could take him back home in the bioship and--"

"I want to walk. I have two good legs and I know how to use them" Dick commented. "I am not a cripple and I do not need an escort. If anything I will just call a cab." Richard crossed his arms stubbornly, something he and Connor had in common.

"Woah calm down man, it was just a suggestion, sheesh. Most kids would love to ride in a ship." Wally rose his hands up in defence, but his face looked confused.

Robin frowned a bit. Would most teenagers take the offer of a ride in a space ship? "First off, not a kid."

"You sure look like one." Artemis commented, rolling her eyes.

"Well, I'm not!" Dick flew his arms up in exasperation. "And I don't want to ride a dumb ship because saving my life or not, I have had enough of getting into vehicles with strangers for the day thank you. I want to stretch my legs and breathe fresh air , is that a problem?"

It was logical enough of a reason, and the team seemed to go along with it. Mostly, they didn't want to deal with a temper tantrum if they insisted he came along.

"Fine." Kaldur spoke up. "We will respect your wishes of walking, but we must insist that you take along someone to escort you just in case."

The request seemed reasonable enough and Richard shrugged, pointing to Superboy. "Well, since I have been with him the longest out of all of you, I choose him."

The team looked a bit nervous. Sure Dick knew why. When it came to patience, Connor lacked in that department.

"That is fine with me." Connor smiled slightly, appreciating Dick's resolve.

More team shock.

"Well now that this is settled, I better start walking home."


Connor walked in stride with richard, the streets a little less busy than usual. Richard was humming a bit to himself, oddly chipper as usual.

"So, I never got your name." Richard smiled, and looked up to connor. "Of course, you don't have too, I'm okay with just calling you Muscles."

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