Chapter Twenty-Four: Guess What Time it is!?

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After a very uncomfortably silent week went by, the team was surprised to see a chipper looking Robin come out of the Zeta Tubes, humming to himself and carrying what seemed to be a piece of paper. Robin looked over to the team and smiled widely, an actual genuine smile.The only one who ever heard from the teen was Connor, which the team was still confused about their friendship, but let it slide. The Dark knight also said that they had this week off, meaning something was definitely up..and Robin knew what it was.

M'gann could not help but smile at Robin, happiness just seem to radiate off of him in waves, whatever gotten into him, M'gann was sure that it was some very good news...of course, it did not take a mind reader to know this. Everyone could see the ear to ear smile their youngest member had on his face.

"Someone is awfully happy today...what is going on? Care to share with us why you seem like you have taken a whole bottle of xanax?" Roy mumbled, it has been only a week after their youngest member's breakdown, yet here he is smiling like an idiot..something was definitely up, and he did not for one second believe that they actually had the week off, there must have been a catch and that bird better cough it out.

Artemis elbowed Roy and gave a warning glare. If Robin was happy, she was happy. Last week she was haunted with images of him screaming and crying, and had very little sleep. None of the team has. "Everyone has the right to be happy so shut it. Glad to see you back Robin, we all missed you, even Mr. Moody here was worried even though he would not willingly admit it out loud." She grinned seeing their friend return giving a returning wave to Robin as he walked over to the living area where they all were sitting before plopping down in between Roy And Kaldur.

"I was not worried... it was just..quieter.." Roy protested, not at all wanting to admit that it was far too quiet without the other and he missed the brat's laugh.

"That was definitely true. It was far too quiet, even with baywatch running his mouth." Artemis laughed, glad that seems were seeming to slowly go back to was good to have their bird back.

Connor was more than shocked when he saw his friend enter the living area, like the week before never happened. Matter of fact, he has not seen Dick smile like this..ever, and he has seen dick's real smile..this one was just that to an extreme. Connor smiled, he had visited Robin after his breakdown and never had he smiled once during his visits. Sure, he would fake smiles and say that he was okay, but they both knew that they were not real. He was glad to see that his dear friend was becoming more like himself again.

"Dude, you're smiling like something big happened, what's up?" Wally eyed the piece of paper that had handwriting on it, it must be a letter, but wally could not read what was written on it.

"Something big DID happen my dear Wallman." Robin spoke in a chipper tune, smile never leaving his face. "The time has finally come!"

"What time are we talking about" Kaldur rose an eyebrow in confusion, the vagueness of the boy never ceased to amaze him.

" I am glad you asked my saltwater friend" Robin held up the letter that was in his hand. It had fancy cursive letters and had a crease in the center were it was neatly folded. The paper seemed to be more of a thick material as if from a journal not a notepad you could pick up anywhere at some office supply store. Before the team could read any of the words, robin folded it back up, humming to himself once again. "It is the time that has been prolonged for far too long. I told him..I did...he doubted it would work out but here we stand!" the Raven hair boy talked quickly in an excited fashion. At some point he started rambling in a language no one seemed to understand while gesturing with his hands as he talked, not seeming to notice the sudden dialect change nor did he seem to care about the confused faces of his comrades.

Kaldur tried to look at the paper, but failed miserably do to the fact the boy was moving it up and down too much just to fold it back up. This was becoming more than a little frustrating but Kaldur had to keep his cool....and why did he call him saltwater? Was that some new nickname? He certainly hoped not."My friend, we can not understand you? Who doubted you and what was prolonged?" Kaldur interrupted the boy's eager rambling, trying to piece the vague information the young hero has given them.

"Yeah, dude, you were not making like any sense"

"Abiav!" (totally google translated so sorry if it is wrong!) Robin grinned, still rambling on joyfully, fidgeting on the couch.

"English please." Roy rolled his eyes, obviously getting irritated with the continuous foreign rambling, especially when he keeps getting bumped into when the young teen did hand gestures as he spoke.

Robin's face flushed a bit in embarrassment, not realizing that he was speaking in his native tongue rather than in english He honestly could not say that he has not been this happy in a long time, his fingers were twitching. He could not help it though, he was just so excited and he definitely needed some good news, and boy did Batman deliver. He must have known that this is exactly the news that would cheer Dick up. Dick took a few deep breaths, trying not to laugh at his teammates confused and anxious faces. The last time they saw him he was devastated, and now here he is bouncing off the walls like some child who was given caffeine. "Sorry guys..just was feeling the aster." He grinned at Roy's now even more frustrated frown when he added one of his well known word games into the conversation, noting that Roy was extremely fun to mess with. He chuckled a bit before trying to calm down the buzzing excitement in his head but to no avail. He tried again, this time succeeding in finding english words to explain why he was so excited. "They are getting married, there is going to be a wedding!"

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