Chapter Four: Tour

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So we are in. Now what? We can't just go 'hey we are looking for an assassin, has your ringleader been acting strange?' Wally complained as the celebration died down

I suppose we map this place out, and try to win over Robin's trust. Kaldur nodded and just as he finished, Sparrow walked up to them.

"Well, now that you are part of the nest, Robin asked me to show you around and where your tents will be." Sparrow grabbed M'gann, who was the closest in proximity, by the arm and dragged her along. "Now let's see.. To your right we have the Mess hall tent. Pelican Is in charge of providing the food, but everyone helps out where they can." Sparrow wave to an old man with shaggy gray hair, who the team presumed to be Pelican. "Which brings me to one of the rules here: Pull your weight." Sparrow chuckled a bit. "Well you are new, so I am sure that you will be moving around a lot until you find where you fit best."

"Do all of the members have specific tasks?" Kaldur asked, wondering if there could be more than one person involved in the strange deaths that seem to follow the circus.

"For the most part, yes. However, it does not stop some from helping others when they are in need. Just think of this place as one big family. We look out for own here, that means you too. So if you need help do not be afraid to ask." Sparrow waved to more random members who walked past during the tour, she was definitely a chipper person.

"So why did you join the Circus?" Wally asked, curious tone more than obvious.

Sparrow stopped dead in her tracks, a sad look beginning to form.

Nice Going Baywatch! Way to open your big mouth. Artemis glared and Wally shrunk a bit.

"I mean.. you don't have to answer-"

"No. It is fine. You're new here so you do not know." Sparrow sighed a bit. "Everyone here has a reason to be here, whether it is running away from their past, or having nowhere else to go."

A past like being an assassin. Roy frowned a bit looking at the rest of the team

This definitely means we have to broaden our investigation. If anyone here can have a bad past, it means that it might not even be an assassin. It could be just be someone who has ill will towards the wealthy. Kaldur frowned

"I was an orphan who was just too old for anyone to want to adopt. I was roaming the streets, and when I reached the outskirts of the city.. I found this place." Sparrow smiled at the fond memory. "It was Robin who made smile for the first time in years."

"So, you look up to Robin then?" Kaldur asked.

Sparrow laughed "We all do. He brought us all together and gave us a family when no one else would."

"He seems awfully young to be running a circus though, most of the people here are older than him. Doesn't that cause a problem?" Roy asked, crossing his arms while he looked around and all the adults walking around going on with their everyday life.

Sparrow gave a sad sigh. " That is true, but Robin is the most able. He might be young, but he is a natural born leader." She leaned forward a bit as if was a secret. "And rumor has it that he was born into circus." her smile fell "He never really speaks of it, but the rumor goes that something horrible happened at his circus." Sparrow straightened her body again. "To have something horrible happen, and still smile and help others? Robin is the strongest person I know."

Kid sounds like he had it rough. Wally thought Makes me feel kinda guilty y'know? For just automatically assuming he is a League assassin.

Don't rule him out just yet. For all we know he caused the supposed incident at his old circus. Roy commented

That is cruel Roy. We cannot just accuse him on assumptions-- M'gann frowned

You both have a point. We cannot rule Robin out as a suspect, But we can also investigate others to try and prove his innocence. Kaldur interrupted "Robin sounds like a good man." Kaldur spoke to Sparrow, giving her a kind smile

"He is." Sparrow nodded.

"Well not all the time." A voice from behind made the team jump and look around.

"Woodpecker! Stop giving them false information!" Sparrow walked over to Woodpecker, slapping him upside the head.

The whole team gave a confused look, and Woodpecker just gave a hearty laugh that could have shaken the floor. "He might be our ringleader, but the kid is ruthless! I would watch your backs."

Did you hear that? I told you so.Main suspect. Roy commented

Why would he be laughing about that? Connor asked confused

"I mean, the pranks Robin pulls, They are absolutely brutal!" Woodpecker continued "Hey Sparrow, remember when he filled Starling's landing pad with shaving cream? The look on his face was absolutely priceless."

The team once again relaxed.

I told you so. M'gann replied, smiling happily

"This sounds like my kind of guy." Wally grinned "This guy sounds like a master, maybe I should take some notes."

Woodpecker laughed and patted Wally on the shoulder. "That is the spirit Hummingbird! Give Ribin a run for his money!"

"Woodpecker you should not encourage such behaviour." Sparrow sighed but smiled, knowing that the other was just being friendly to the newbies. "If Robin hears there is a challenger, we will all be doomed. Do you want another syrup incident again?"

Woodpecker stopped laughing and swallowed hard. " Crap, I forgot about that."

"Too late to back down now." Another voice rang through, and robin stepped out of the shadows.

Dude how long was he here! I didn't even notice him! Wally thought, looking completely shocked

I didn't sense him either M'gann frowned

Robin patted Wally on the back, his smile never leaving his face. " Challenges are always fun."

"H-Hey man. I just said I wanted to take notes!" Wally stammered, looking more than nervous.

"Robin leave the poor boy alone, he looks like he is going to faint from fright." Sparrow scolded in almost a motherly tone. Surprisingly Robin backed off, making Wally let out a small relieved sigh.

"Hey man, I wasn't gonna hurt you or anything, water balloons never harmed anyone." Robin sighed a bit but gave a childish smile.

Definitely a kid. Roy commented

Agreed The whole almost said in unison.

"I'll take the tour from here Sparrow. Last time I checked you were supposed to be practicing your act."Robin smiled "Speaking of which, I hear Cassowary has some new swords that you asked for."

"Great! I was waiting for those for weeks!" Sparrow ran off, almost too excitedly.

"There she goes." Mutters Woodpecker. "She already loves her old ones more than me, and now I have to compete with those? Thanks Robin." Woodpecker sulked a bit, sighing.

"Be heartened Woodpecker, I'm sure one day she will notice you." Robin grinned.

"Heartened?" Woodpecker frowned.

"Opposite of disheartened." Robin laughed a bit at his own word play and waved Woodpecker off. "Maybe if you show interest and help her with her act, she will open up a bit more."

"Woodpecker nodded eagerly "You're right Robin! I should go." And with that Woodpecker ran off after Sparrow.

"Swords?" Wally asked, raising an eyebrow?

"Oh, Sparrow is a sword swallower. Did she forget to mention that?" Robin asked.

"But then...shouldn't her name be Swallow? Y'know the bird swallow?"

Artemis groaned and shook her head at the stupid remark, but Robin laughed at it, wrapping an arm around Wally's shoulder. "I think we are going to get along just fine." He smiled and started walking. "And we are moving on! Follow me."

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