Chapter Ten: Letter

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It has been two months after the incident at the circus, and when Robin became a protege to Batman. Every day was planned out.

Morning: Breakfast and hand to hand combat training

Noon: Quick lunch and then to computer coding

Night time: Battle Crime and then head to bed.


It was hectic, but Robin never complained. He enjoyed the challenges and even got some free time every now and then where he would sit down with Batman..well, Bruce...and talk about a range of things from missions he went on to lessons learned. Nothing like a bedtime Bat story before bed.Sadly Robin has yet to meet the penguin, which he was still looking forward too but he did encounter the scarecrow a few times.Other then that, it was mostly low level thugs.

The month after "Bruce Wayne" adopted a boy named Richard Grayson as his ward. It was all about timing and it was all planned out. Robin would show up and the richard; to make sure there was no suspicion.

One morning Batman walked down to the Batcave, finding young Robin once again messing with the Bat computer. "What are you doing this time, Dick?"

The boy jumped and looked up, giving a sheepish smile. "Sorry, I was just looking something up..."

"Something like?"

The boy's cheeks reddened a bit, looking to the floor. "just...stuff..." typical teen reply, for a not so typical teen.

Bruce sighed and stood next to the boy. "You were checking in on them again weren't you?" Batman knew that the boy kept close tabs on the circus after he left and continues to watch them from a distance. After they left Gotham to go to their next destination, Robin did not speak for a weak and would brood in his room.

The boy gave a small nod. "I miss them is all."

Batman gave a knowing nod before kneeling next to the boy. He did not tell the boy, but he kept in contact with the circus while he was on missions. He gave the boy an envelope, something the new ringleader had given him in hopes it would reach Robin.

The boy took it, giving the Bat a questioning look. "What is this?"

"Just open it." Batman got up and left the area, leaving Robin alone with his envelope.

Robin frowned a bit. The envelope gave no clue of what was inside, no name, no address, it was completely blank. The boy hesitantly opened the envelope and pulled a few folded pieces of note paper. He recognized the handwriting instantly, a smile appearing on his face.

"Dearest Robin,

I hope this letter finds you well. I just wanted to make sure you are alright. I saw you in the paper with the Batman, which got Woodpecker extremely envious. That is how I got this note to you. Please do tell the Batman I said thank you for delivering this message to you.

A lot has happened since your absence, we have welcomed a few new member. Though, none of them have that smile you have that brightens up a room. I was never as good as giving names as you Robin, it is a lot harder than it seems. We were graced with another juggler and two more balancing acts were added to the main show. Cardinal burned down another tent, but that really wouldn't be news would it? Peacock is looking into finding some more fire retardant materials for both the tent and Cardinal. I think she is going to snap one of these days if she has to repair another burnt costume. Sparrow is enjoying her new swords a lot, she polishes them everyday.Woodpecker is still pursuing Sparrow like a vulture to a fresh carcass, but luck seems to be in his favor. Just the other day he helped her out during one of her performances and they actually had a civilized conversation after. Duck and Loon are up to their antics again, they took your place in the practical joke department. I had to rewrite this letter three times due to a serious of water balloon related incidents, but at least they are keeping the nest lively.

Everyone is okay here, Robin. We all miss you, but we are out of harm's way. Your hero friend Batman assured that and promised us that we can stay in touch. We might not all understand why you had to leave, but I know why. Thank you for protecting the circus Robin, you will always be a part of the family no matter how far you are away. Stay safe little bird and write back to me soon.

Yours always,

Dove "

By the time Robin reached the end of the note, the words became hard to read due to is eyes welling up with tears. They were all okay. They were all safe and happy, he could not ask for anything more.


Bruce looked up from the newspaper he was reading at the kitchen table when he heard footsteps enter the room. He placed the paper down and gave the boy a small smile. Richard was there holding the envelope as if it was the most precious thing. The boy sat down next to him, setting the letter gingerly down before moving in and hugging the Bat. Bruce, even though he knew what the sudden sign of affection was for, still was not prepared for the embrace. He awkwardly patted the kid's back " I take you read it." It wasn't a question

Dick nodded, still hugging his mentor, not caring about the awkwardness it was creating. "Thank you..for everything."

"It was nothing, Dick. I am just glad that you are happy." The bat cleared his throat and the boy let go, face reddening a bit.

"Let's eat and then get some morning training in okay?"

------------(One Awkward Breakfast Later)-------------

Robin was on the floor, again. No matter how many training sessions he had, when fighting Bruce in hand-in-hand combat...he alway lost. The teen let out a frustrated sigh, before propping himself up.

"Hit the showers, we have somewhere to be." Batman took the boy's arm and helped him get up. "You did well today, don't be disheartened."

"I am very heartened thanking very much." The boy pulled himself up, smiling. "Where do we need to be?"

"I will tell you when we get there. But right now, shower and get ready, I will be in the batcave."

"ohhh so it is that kind place. Is it a mission? Is it? It's been so slow recently please tell me we are going to kick some bad guy butt!" Richard pleaded.

"Dick, Shower. Now." Bruce ordered. "I said I will tell you when we get there."

The boy slumped his shoulder, pouting a bit. "Fine..." And with that the boy walked upstairs without another word. 

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