13. Yes, but don't expect as much as you do

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"Skylar, are you okay?" I shake myself out my thoughts and turn to Taylor. We are in class and I have not paid any attention. I can't stop myself from thinking about the night Hunter and I fought.

She pissed me off so much, that I kept my distance from her the rest of the weekend. Of course, I had to drive her to school, we sat in silence though. It was awkward, but I couldn't drive from her. My dad would flip, and I simply just couldn't when I looked at her face.

I am angry with her for not answering me, but when I saw her in the morning it kind of faded. Her sad blue eyes are hunting me. I mean just looking at her gives me so many different emotions.

I nod to Taylor "Just thinking."

"Yeah, you kind of looked lost in there." She points at my head and I snort at her.

"Fuck of Taylor" I tell her and she gives me a fake hurt face. I roll my eyes and then the bell rings. We walk out together.

"Have you seen Brook today?" Taylor asks me. I shake my head.

"No, probably in some room with a guy." I answer, she laughs.

"Yeah, probably." We walk down the hallway and I notice Hunter with her locker.

"See you later." Taylor says, walking to her next class.

"Yeah." I answer and open up my locker. I give Hunter some glances, seems like she has not noticed me. I turn and take out my books.

Then I take one last look at Hunter, but now a guy stands next to her, Ryan. He is on the football team, he is good, but an ass. I study Hunter, she looks small and I know she is uncomfortable. He is standing too close to her limit, I start walking towards them.

"Hunter." Her blue scared eyes, reaching mine, and I can feel my heart in my throat. I don't like when she looks at me like that. I stop next to her.

"Can I talk to you?" She nods and Ryan takes the hint and walks away.

"You okay?" I ask after watching him disappear around the corner. She just nods and turns back to her locker. I sigh; irritated that she can just shut me out like that.

"I just helped you, and you're not even going to thank me." She closes the locker hard.

"I didn't ask for your help." She says harshly and it hurt because I know it is my fault. I made her feel this way. The bell rings and Hunter turn, leaving me alone.

After losing her out of my sight, I felt a big void inside of me. She has this effect to make me feel like an emotional roller coaster. The blood in my veins is boiling. I kick the trash can making the garbage flow on the floor. I look around no one saw me, I breathe out relieved.

The sun is shining through the window of my car. I have been waiting for Hunter for almost fifteen minutes now and my patience is starting to run out. I tap my fingers on the steering wheel and sigh. Most of the students have left, but there is still some few standing and talking.

I give up and jump out of the car. There is no sign of her in the parking lot, so I walk around. She might be on the bleachers or something.

I turn the corner and to my surprise, she is not on the bleachers. Hunter is on the soccer field. She is playing by herself and she is actually very good. She kicks the ball slightly in the air it falls down.

Before it can even reach the ground, she kicks it hard and it goes straight into the goal. I can't stop the smile that comes to my face, it was amazing. She stands there looking at the goal and itches her neck.

She looks upset, how can she be that after that beautiful goal. I walk towards her, seems like she hasn't noticed me yet. She sits down on the grass floor.

"Didn't know you played." She turns around to look at me, but her eyes move fast back to the goal.

"Why don't you try for the team?" She shakes her head and I sit down next to her.

"What are you doing out here?" I wonder.

"I thought maybe you would drive without me so..."

"I wouldn't do that after last time. I waited for you." She looks at me now, her blue eyes sparkling in the sun. She has a flat smile on her face.
"And I am sorry that I did that to you." I want her to know I feel bad about that. She just nods. I lean my head back and sigh.

"Hunter, can you please stop ignoring me?"

"I'm not..."

"Yes, you are and it is annoying. Because every time I try to do something nice, you do not even show any sign of being grateful. It makes me angry and then I do something stupid and I hurt you." I breathe out.

"You don't have to do anything for me, and you don't need to care about how I feel." She tells me. How can she say and beat herself up like that?

"Hunter, of course, I care. I know I have treated you bad and I am really sorry. I think you are the kindest person I have ever met. You took the blame for me and not many would have done that. I misjudged you." She shakes her head. She doesn't believe me.

"I am not kind..."
"Yes, you are, stop judging yourself." She stands up and starts walking to the parking lot. I run after.

"Hunter, stop." I grab her arm, even though I know I shouldn't. She stops, but stand with her back to me, she sighs. I move around to stand in front of her, still holding her arm.

I don't want her to go again. She looks me deep in the eyes; they are telling me that she is hurt, sad, but most of all she looks tired, she always does.

"Can we just go home?" She begs. How can I say no when she looks at me like that with her blue pleading eyes. It makes my heart melt and I give in.

"Sure." I let go of her arm and we walk to the car and start driving home. I know I probably should give up trying to get her to talk to me, but I want to. It is just something about her that draws me to her. I am not sure, if it is annoying, because I can't get through to her, or if I like chasing her in some way.

I do not know anyone as closed off as her, and it is kind of interesting in a way. There is so much I do not know about her, but I want to know her. I can't force her to do it and I know that I just want to know what she likes to do. Just like now, when I found her playing soccer. We have that in common.

"I'm sorry. I push you too much." I tell and look at her.

"No, it's okay." That surprised me.

"I know you try and it's nice because most people they don't." It saddened me to hear that people do not even want to use the time to get to know to her.

"I guess I am not like most people then." I look at her and she has that crooked smile across her face. It warms my heart when I make her smile.

"So in a way it is, okay that I try?" I ask unsure and stop the car behind dad's, then look at Hunter.

"Yes, but don't expect as much as you do." I nod. Yeah, I should probably slow down a little.

"Can I ask you something?" She looks at me skeptically.

"Um, okay." She sounds unsure, but I am going to ask anyway.

"When did you start playing soccer?" She looks caught off guard, she did not expect me to ask that.

"Since I could walk, I guess" She itches her neck.

"My brother took me to this small field and we played like almost every day." I didn't know she had a brother.

"Where is your brother now?" I ask she looks down at the floor of the car. Think Skylar.

"I just crossed the line didn't I?" She looks at me and nods.

"But it's okay." She promised with a smile on her face. I nod and I feel bad for my own stupidity.

"Well," I start and look at her again.

"Now I know more things about you than I did." She smiles and we step out of the car and walk inside.

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