48. You don't trust me?

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I wake up to the feeling of someone crawling into the bed behind me. Then I feel her arm around my stomach, and her face buried in my back. I have been up here since I left her downstairs, I missed dinner and I have been sleeping off and on, crying most of the time. This is the first time Hunter showed up in here, it must be very late since she came.

The look in her eyes before I walked up here was guilt. She understood that she was blaming me. The way she yelled at me, and that she didn't talk to me the way she should have. There must be a lot on her mind right now, and I want to know it, want to know what she feels. I do not want her to go through this alone, like she had to do the other times when she was in pain. She doesn't have to be alone, and I want her to know that.

"I'm so sorry I yelled at you. I'm sorry that I bit you, and I am really, really sorry that I didn't want you to listen to me." She says and kiss my back.

"I love you, and I am really, really sorry." She moves up and take the hair away from my neck.

"I bit you very hard, I'm sorry." She kiss the mark on my neck.

"I know you are awake, and I understand that you don't want to talk to me, so I am going to talk to you." She kiss me on the neck again, and lay back down with her arm around me.

"I did not mean to yell at you, but seeing my mother made me very angry. Then she said that Andy is gone. I loved Andy, even though he left me. My mother did not do anything for me, and I do not forgive her. Then all of the sudden over three years later she finds me, and want to apologize and try again. How can she ask for something like that, and expect me to say yes?" I can hear it on her voice she is crying, but I am going to let her finish.

"She should have done that from the beginning." She kiss my back again and bury her face in my back, holding onto me as if her life is deepening on it.

"She should have taken Andy and me away from him since the day we were born." She mumbled against my back, I could barely hear her, but I could hear the hurt in her voice. She is crying so badly. I take her hand and turn around. Her face is so wet with tears and her eyes are red.

"I am so sor..." I kiss her before she can say it again. She told me what she thought and felt, I am so grateful. Even though she bit me, I am not sure if I forgive her for that.

"Stop apologizing." I mumble against her lips.

"Thank you, for telling me." I say as well, and I kiss her again.

"But please, don't ever bite me that hard again." I tell her, angry.

"I'm so..." I put my lips on hers to make her shut up.

"Are you going to kiss me every time?" She asks, annoyed, and I nod.

"You can't even let me apologize..." Then I kiss her again, just to irritate her. She says I am cute when I am annoyed, but she is very adorable. She put her hand on my cheek, and I drag her upon me.

"You should sleep, Sky. It's really late, and it's school tomorrow." She says and then kiss my cheek.

"What about you?" I ask and she sighs.

"I'm not going." Hunt mumbles against my cheek. I feel the disappointment in my whole body.

"I don't like walking out that door without you."

"I know." She says and kiss my cheek again. I understand that she doesn't want to go, after her mother showed up today. She might still be in shock and concentrating will probably be very hard.

"Then I'll stay with you."

"No, you should..."
"Hunter, I am not letting you be here alone, I do not trust you right now, I'm sorry." I tell her. She is not really in her state of mind, and I am scared she will burst out in rage or anything that can simply make her hurt herself; there are still a lot of things going on in her head. She lost her brother and now her mother is here. It must be a lot to take in, and those thoughts may be scary.

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