17. Even She Could Not Climb Them

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I found Hunter laying spread all over my bed already.

"Hunter?" She doesn't answer. If this is one of her pranks or something, I am going to punch her arm. But the closer I get to her I can hear her slow breathing. Which means she is sleeping. We had a fun day today, so no wonder she is exhausted, I can feel the tiredness in my body as well.

I push Hunter further in; she is so small and light that I could have carried her easily even. I lie down and take the duvet over both of us. She turns around to face me with some of her hair across her face. I brush it away, feeling her soft, warm skin under my fingertips. My touch causes her to move closer to me.

She wraps her arm around me and buries her face in my chest. Hunter has been sleeping in my bed for over two weeks now and she has slept all of the nights without any problems.

She looks so much better, and she told me she feels better as well when I asked her. She looks happier it is like this whole weight on her shoulders has faded.

Hunter has opened up more, she is more fun and confident, but usually around me. At school, she is still shy and somewhat scared and when we are out buying food, she avoids eye contact with other people.

She even told me when I asked her, that she hates to be around people she doesn't know, it makes her nervous.

Even mom and dad has noticed her being in better shape, she is more out with me playing football. We do that a lot and dad said that I was good with her.

He had never seen her like this before. It is a small progress, but a lot for her. Considering she had so goddamn high walls up that, even she could not climb them.

I am happy she is my friend and that she wants to be mine. Even though I was a complete ass to her at the start. I have learned my lesson, there is more to a person than you see on the surface. Sometimes you have to go beneath it, and even deeper than that, to drag them out of there.

Hunter is not the only one changing I guess. She has learned me so much, I am more patient and calm. Not just that, she has made me better in soccer, she taught me a few tricks.

That I am so grateful for and even used them in the last game, which we won. Now it will be just Friday tomorrow and then it is summer vacation.

I am looking forward to it so much, even though dad had to ruin my party plans, we go visit grandma for a while. It's not the worst thing in the world, she lives right next to this beautiful beach and she makes the best food you can ever taste.

But I really wanted to stay here and go to parties with Taylor and even Brook.

Of course, Hunter is coming along so it will not be boring. We can play football on the beach and take a swim it will be fun.

Hunter did not protest when dad talked about the place and grandma, she did not mind. She looked more excited. Hunter may have had a small incident when I mention bathing she froze.

She hasn't done that for weeks, and it terrified me. She may be stiff sometimes when we were out shopping, but not frozen like that. Hunter didn't tell me what was wrong, but I hope it is nothing.

She is so close that it should be awkward, but it isn't. I like having her close to me even though she touches sends weird chills through my body, but it also feels like the most natural thing in the world when her hands or feet are touching me.

One time I woke up, because her feet touched mine, and they were so cold. I yawn and close my eyes listening to the sound of Hunter's breathing and feeling her warm skin on mine.

I give in to the tiredness and it is the easiest thing in the world when Hunter is lying next to me.

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