65. I Know

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I walk in the door and Hunter's eyes are on me the whole time, and I sit down in the chair. She just sits there looking at me.
"Why are you staring?" I ask a little nervous, it's been a while since her eyes were locked on me. A grin stretch across her face.

"Because I haven't seen you for two months, and my eyes are little weird, things get a little unclear sometimes." She says and close her eyes hard, then open them again with a smile on her face.

"I missed you." I tell her and stand up to kiss her on the cheek.

"I missed you too." She says as I sit back down in the chair.

"So what did you and Amber talk about?" Hunt blink her eyes again.

"Umm, she told me about what happened and asked me if I remember anything," Hunt takes a deep breath.

"There is not really much I remember just some bright lights," She rubs her forehead with her trembling hand.

"My hands are weak, actually I think everything is weak, Amber told me it would take some time before things... would get better." She bites her inner cheeks, and looks a little confused by her own words. It makes me laugh.

"I got a big headache." She confesses.

"Did you get something for it?" I ask and she nods lightly.

"Hunt, can I ask you something?" She nods again.

"Why did you ask me what happened to me, when you finally manage to speak?" I was a little confused when that was the first thing that came out of her mouth. She narrows her eyes and look down at herself.

"When I first saw your eyes on me, you looked so tired and sad, but when you realized I was awake your eyes widened. I looked at you for a while and you did not just look exhausted, but also smaller in some way." She looks at me worried. Now I am the one looking down, away from her concerned eyes.

"I'm sorry." I tell her guilty and she snorts.

"That is my line, but there is no need to be sorry. I still love you." She jokes and I chuckle, and then I look at the warm smile she has on her face.

"Come here." I lay down next to her. Then I bury my face in her chest and laid her arm over me, she is too weak to move.

"I missed you so much." I tell and breathe her in, I have longed for her to hold me close so long now. She rests her face on the top of my head and then I feel her kiss me.

"I missed you too, every piece of you." She says with her tired voice, and kiss me on the head again.

"Sky, I'm tired." She whispers.

"I know, honey." I say and hold her tighter.

"Would you hate me if I fell asleep?"

"Of course not." I snort and hold her tighter.

"Good, because sleeping without you has been a nightmare."

"I know, honey."

"I love you." She says, and I feel like I am about to cry. It's been a while since the last time I heard her say it.

"I love you too." I tell her with my whole heart. The sound and the feeling of her chest moving up and down makes me know she is sleeping. This time it is different, she is not gone and she is holding me in her arms. She is keeping me warm and now I feel the hot tears coming out of my eyes. I knew I missed this a lot, but not so much that I was going to cry when I first ended up in her arms again.

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