71. I don't have to

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I open up my eyes and find Hunt sleeping above me. She must have woken up and moved. I don't know, but she is asleep and the best of all she is naked. Just the thought of it makes my stomach tickle, but her warm, small body on mine, makes me want her. I know she can't, because of her weak muscles and her bad shape. She fell asleep right away last night. I was so happy that she did.

The sun is shining outside. The clock on the wall says it is eleven, I might have slept for eight hours, but I want Hunt to sleep longer if that is possible. I really have to go to the bathroom, before I pee myself. Hunt's weight is not really helping. I try to slip off under her, but she turns and move her arms under mine, then down under the pillow, locking me with her body. Goddammit Hunter. I sigh and kiss her on the top of her head. I might be a little upset, but her cuteness just makes my heart melt. Now I am not sure what I am going to do, I really have to go to the bathroom. Dammit.

"Hunti?" I say and brush the hair on her cheek behind her ear.

"Hmm?" She mumble.

"I have to go to the bathroom." I tell her and she turns her head to the other side on my chest.

"I don't have to." I burst out in laughter, so hard that I close my eyes and feel the tears come out.

"Lay still." She says annoyed and stretch out on me. She put her chin on my chest and look up at me with half closed eyes. I cup her cheeks.

"No, honey. I have to go to the bathroom." I chuckle.

"You are kidding, right?" She asks as her eyes drift close.

"No, you know I wouldn't wake you if I really had to." I say a little miserable. She sighs and bury her face down in my chest.

"Do you want me to carry you as well?" She mumble. I laugh, thinking about all of the times I have helped her.

"You can't even pick up Caleb." I tease, and then I feel her finger in my side.

"Dammit Hunter!" I say irritated, since I do not have any clothes on I am even more exposed. I grab her arm and turn us around. Then I put my lips on her neck as I pin her hands down in the bed.

"Sky!" She yells as I bit her neck a little too hard, and she tries to fight out of my hands. She is a little too weak. Then I bit her earlobe, and she tilt her head.

"Stop." She chuckles. I turn to look at her with a grin. Her eyes widen.

"What?" Hunt asks, annoyed, wondering why I look so suspicious. I kiss her on the jaw line, but lick her all the way up to her temple.

"Skylar! I am going to kick your ass afterwards!" She sounds so angry, that I chuckle and lick her on the other side.

"Goddammit Sky!" I grin of satisfaction.

"Sky, I know you love me, but there is no need lick my whole face!" She says and dry herself on her shoulders.

"Eww." Hunt groans. I lean down.

"NO!" She warns, but I kiss her on the forehead, because right now I have to go to the bathroom. I move off her, but before I could get my feet off the bed, Hunt grabs me and pull me down in the bed.

"Oh no." She moves and sit down on my stomach.

"Hunt that is not a good idea, I really have to pee." She bits her inner cheeks and look at me with no sympathy at all. She shakes her head and lean down. Then I feel her wet tongue on my jaw and move slowly up my face. I close my eyes of disgust, but I just have to laugh off the feeling.

"Hunti, I have to pee." I plead as she starts to lick on the other side. I try to move to the side, but it is not helping. Her lips turn down to mine.

"I love you." She says as I dry my cheeks on my shoulders.

"I noticed." I tell her, but grin as she kiss me on the forehead. She does it again, and I feel the shivers on my back. I hear her laugh.

"I do really know how to change your mood." She smiles and kiss me one more time.

"I love you too, but I have to go." I tell her impatient, it is so hard to hold now.

"Fine." She sigh, but kiss me lightly on the lips, before moving off me. I rush out of bed, taking on my cloths, while listening to Hunt's laughter. I run out the door and down the hall.

"You are in a hurry." Aunt Jenny chuckles.

"Move along!"

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