72. That explains the angry yelling

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"Don't make me do it." I plead to Hunter.

"It's your turn." She chuckles and take Caleb's and my hand in hers.

"I don't want to." I whine. Both of them laugh.

"I showed you yesterday, you can't possibly have forgotten." We stop in the bathroom. I look at Hunt and pout. She grins and kiss my cheek. I shake my head, but Hunt gives me the goddamn crooked smile, and her eyes stares right through me.

"Fine." I sigh, and pick up my cousin, he smiles and play with my blond hair, while Hunt lays the towel on the floor and grab the things we need. I take my hair out of Caleb's hand and lay him down on the towel.

"Where did you learn all of this?" I ask while doing what Hunt did the day before.

"Umm, foster homes." She answer while handing over the new diaper.

"It's a good thing to learn." I tell her as I finish taking in his pants again.

"Yes, it is." She smiles as Caleb jump into her lap after I picked him up. I throw the diaper and wash my hands. My eyes drift down to Hunt and Caleb, he is laying in her lap giggling of her tickling. He rolls and end up on the floor, and we all laugh. Caleb stands up again with a huge grin on his face, he runs towards me and I pick him up. Hunt move to her feet and kiss my cheek again.

"It wasn't that bad was it?" She asks with a cute smile.

"No, it wasn't." I say while shaking my head. It was actually more fun, but I am not telling her that. If I do, she will tease me, like forever. Hunt and I walk into the living room, still with Caleb in my arms. He must like my hair since he seems to play with it a lot. Kristen is the first thing I see and she is the only one in the living room. She has a sly smile on her face, and I stop walking.

"What?" I ask, confused and a little annoyed.

"You two..."
"I don't want to hear it." I cut her off.

"You asked." She grins. I roll my eyes and sit down on the couch with Caleb so dose Hunt.

"So, Hunter, it's almost your birthday." Kristen says. Hunt looks at her with her shy smile and nod.

"Yes, it is." She answer, it's been a while since I saw her shy. Hunt is not like that around dad and mom, and especially not with me.

"You are turning nineteen right? A year older than Skylar if I remember correctly?" She sounds a little unsure.

"Yeah." Hunt nodded. Kristen chuckles.

"You are so shy." Hunt's cheeks turn red and she is biting her inner cheeks. I take the pillow and throw it on my aunt, Caleb laughs.

"You make her uncomfortable." I tell Kristen annoyed and hear Hunt snort. Caleb crawls off me and into Hunt's lap.

"Hi." She says and give him a big hug.

"Can I ask you two something?" My aunt asks seriously, and I nod.

"What in the name of God, did you two do this morning?" She asks chuckling. Hunt burst out in laughter. I feel my cheeks on fire.

"Hunter was grumpy." I joke, and feel a hit on my arm.

"Yeah, well, it was not funny." She looks at me with her angry blue eyes. Do they always have to be so goddamn pretty? Her eyes shift to my aunt.

"Apparently, Skylar thinks it is completely fine, to lick my whole face in the morning." Hunt gives me the death stare. My eyes turn to my aunt who is trying to suppress a laugh. She closes her eyes and she burst out. I shake my head and roll my eyes.

"That explains the angry yelling." Kristen chuckles. I turn to Hunt.

"You didn't have to tell her that." I grumble.

"Yes, I did." She grin.

"Well, then who was the one licking my face afterwa...this is getting too weird." I stop myself, and they both laugh. I give up. You can't fight Hunt without getting burned. Every time we argue she wins, she really knows how to tease. It is one of her strong sides, and the most annoying one. Still, I can't but love her.

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