40. Do you like all of the things you shouldn't like?

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I watch Hunter, sleeping on her stomach, naked, with her head faced the other way from me. She fell asleep not long after she came. It was amazing to feel, taste and watch her. There is nothing more beautiful than to look at the person you love the most, coming like that. She begged and moaned my name so many times that I wanted to do it more than once, but she fell asleep so fast and easily that my heart could not bear to wake her up.

She is so beautiful when she sleeps; it is one of my favorite things to watch. I do not need a TV, when I can just look at Hunt. The duvet reach up to the middle of her back, exposing some of her scars. I move my fingers along the longest one of them; it goes from the top of her left shoulder blade and down like eight inches, until it stops at her spine. It is awful to know that she was beaten, and had to wake up to it, but not anymore.

Now she gets a kiss every morning. She has one scar on the other side, but shorter, and this one goes from the middle of her spine and down to her right side of her back. They all look so painful, but they are some years old. There are so many more, but smaller and most of them are almost gone, but they will never fade. I lean down and kiss her back, multiple times everywhere. Then I lean my head down on her back. I move the cover slowly down her, and lay my hand on her warm back. Tracing every small scar that there is with my fingertips. Then I feel her skin turn into goosebumps under my fingers. I take the duvet.

"It's you." She whispers before I could even move the cover. I kiss her back and let my lips linger on her. She taste salty, and she is so soft and warm.

"I'm sorry." I mumble at her skin.

"Don't." She pleads, and yawn. I move my way up to her as she turns around to look at me with her tired eyes. Her brown, red hair falls over her face, and I brush it away behind her ear.

"Why do you have to be so goddamn beautiful?" I ask her, making her snort.

"Does it annoy you?" She closes her eyes, giving up holding them open.

"Yes." I answer. She moves her arm around me and bury her face in my naked chest.

"Good." She says, and kisses my collar.

"You're such a tease, Hunti." I tell her, and she kisses me one more time.

"Isn't that why you love me?" I can't but smile and kiss her on the top of her head.

"There is so much to love about you."

"You too." She says back.

"You are very cute when you are annoyed." She tells me, and I can feel her smile on my skin. My cheeks turn red.

"Dammit Hunter." I say, and she moves back to look at me with a grin.

"Just like now. I like that your brown eyes can sometimes look very dark, they look so shiny in a cute way." I feel the fire in my cheeks turn more up, so many compliments, and it is starting to freak me out.

"I like your blond hair when it is messy, it's adorable. Just like now." She says and put some of my hair behind my ear.

"I like your grumpy face, like you had downstairs."

"Do you like all of the things you shouldn't like?" I chuckle, and so does she.

"Well, I like the control and impact I have on you." She tells me. I bit my inner cheeks.

"Yeah, you really know how to bring me to my knees." I say smiling. She reaches for my hand and intertwine our fingers.

"Come with me?" She pleads so soft, that I just have to. Hunt moves out of bed and I follow. I can see all of her naked body, her skin, her scars just everything. She cups my face and kiss me tenderly. I move back from her.

"Where are we going?" I chuckle as her hands find its way to my hips.

"I want that shower." She says. I lean into her lips so close.

"You don't have to ask twice." I say, she moves her hands and laid her arms over my shoulders.

"Good." She whispers, and lean in those few inches and I can finally taste her again. I put each hand at the back of her thighs, I lift her up and she wrap her exposed legs around me. She starts kissing the side of my neck as I move my legs into the bathroom. Then I feel her teeth biting my skin hard.

"Hunter, that is going to leave a mark!" I say upset.

"I'm sorry." She says and kiss over it. I go through the open door and move to the shower. She turns it on, and I can feel the cold water raining on our warm skin. Hunt starts to kiss me under the ear, making me shiver. Now the water is getting hotter, it feels so good. Hunter starts sucking on my ear and then put her teeth in it.

"Goddammit Hunter." She chuckles and move back. Hunt dries the water away from my face with her hands. Then she put her left hand on my shoulder and move her tongue from my jaw and up my cheek, licking me.

"Jesus, Hunt." I am not sure how long I can stand on my feet when she does things like that. I press her back against the white wall, and kiss her hard. I want her again, but I shouldn't, mom and dad would come home soon.

"You need to stop." I mumble against her lips.

"I can't." Then she starts kissing under my jaw and the side of my neck. She bites again, harder.

"Please." I moan, and beg her not to stop. Her lips and touch changed my mind. God, why do I always want her so bad? She makes it so easy to feel the need in my body. I surrender to her way too easily.

"I love you." I say, she stops kissing me and look at me with water on her face.

"I love you too"

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