49. Am I not cute enough?

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"Hunter, stop." I chuckle. We are watching a movie in the living room, but Hunter is laying upon me kissing me everywhere. Her soft lips moves on my cheek, lightly she turns her attention on my throat, the touch of her lips on my skin drives me insane. I am trying to ignore her, but my body is failing me. Then I feel her lips gently on my smooth neck, I bit my lower lip and grab her shirt in my hands.

"No." She mumbles and nibble on my ear; it makes shiver and I tilt my head.

"Hunti, stop." I cup her cheeks, and she looks at me with that crooked smile and her eyes are full of desire.

"Dammit Hunter." I move her towards me and kiss her. I can't say no when she looks at me like that. Hunt grabs my shirt and push herself further up, she is so full of longing and need. I feel her hand move under my shirt and the feeling of her warmth on my skin makes me tremble. Hunter smiles on my lips, then both of her hands comes on my abdomen.

"Hunt." I gasp. Her silky skin moves longer up on my naked pale skin, until she reaches my chest, cupping my breast. Now we can't stop, I want her to touch all of me. Every inch of my body, but I want to feel her first.

"Hunti." I moan, and her lips finds me again. Hunt's hands brush my skin on my chest as she pulls them down under my sweatpants to hold my hips. She moves my pants further down; I push myself from her lips and stop her hands with mine. She searches my eyes looking for an answer.

"Not here." I chuckle and Hunt grins. She kisses me softly and I cup her cheeks. Her hands move under my shirt again.

"Hunt." I mumble against her lips.

"I know." She answer back, then she kisses me fast and move out of the couch, taking me by the hands.

"Who is the one in a hurry now?" I tease as she drags me towards the stairs, then she stops and turns to me. Her blue eyes staring at me, and that crooked smile. In some way, I feel like she is teasing me now. Hunt's eyes looking at me so intensely with warmth and affection. She lets go of my hand and move to put her hands on my waist, still she has the same gaze on me. Her eyes make me vulnerable, and I do not know what I am surrendering to.

"What?" I chuckle and grab her shirt on her stomach with both of my hands. She takes a deep breath, but she keeps on being quiet. Then she moves and put her lips on my cheek, and let them linger.

"Hunt, what is it?" I ask confused, even though she acts weird, she doesn't worry me.

"I love you." She whispers, and kiss my cheek again. I smile and close my eyes of her touch. She is acting so cute and gentle.

"I love you too, Hunt, but..."Her lips on mine interrupts me from talking.

"Hunt­­..." She does it again, her lips so careful with mine, and it makes me so confused. I cup her face and push her back, slowly.

"Hunt..." She moves to kiss me again, but my hands on her face makes me hold her back.

"What is it with you?" I chuckle.

"You said I was going too fast." She grin, and I laugh. I knew it was something weird. Goddamn, she is so cute. I let go of her face and she kisses my cheek right away.

"Well, maybe this is too slow." I tease and grab her shirt. She raises her eyebrow.

"You don't like it?" She grins.

"I do, you are so cute right now." I kiss her on the temple. She looks confused.

"Am I not cute enough?" She makes me snort, and I wrap my arms around her.

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