62. City Lights

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It's Monday night and there is nothing new about Hunter, expect the same old that she is going to wake up. The sun stopped shining yesterday and it started to pour down with snow again. It is nice to look at it fall, because it helps me to calm down when everything in my body wants to scream for Hunt to wake up. Amber has been kind to come in every day and talk to me, it is nice to have her around. It feels less lonely and the best part is to talk about Hunt, it gives me more hope and I can't stop smiling when I talk about her.

"Hunt, I really need you to wake up." I whisper and kiss her shoulder, then I look out the window at the city lights who are lighting up the dark room and the white snow that is falling down lightly. Mom and dad came in here for some hours ago with pizza. I can't remember the last time I actually ate that.

What I do remember is when I was sick, and Hunter just had to come down with me to eat in the middle of the night. No matter how many times I told her to go to bed she just refused, then she fell asleep with her face buried in her arms on the table. Hunt was so adorable with her half-closed eyes, but she is so cozy when she is tired. She is always so cuddly right before we are going to sleep, and it makes my heart and stomach tingle every night. Her skin is so warm and soft that it is not hard to hold onto her. There is no one like her, and it will never be, and I am happy to have the only one.

"Hunter," I beg.

"Just come back home and I will never, ever let you go again." Still there is nothing, but quiet. I am not sure if it is going to drive me insane soon or what. Hunter usually talks in her sleepy voice before we fall asleep, and hold onto me.

This is almost as empty as it was when I was home alone in the bed. It feels so goddamn hollow and I can feel the fury in my veins, because of it. I start to play with the neckless I got from Hunter. I do that sometimes when I am angry, because it makes me calm when I think about that day. When she gave it to me, she was so nervous that her hands were shaking and her voice trembling. She was so cute that looking at her, just made me love her more. In some way, Hunt can just do that sometimes. There are a lot of things she can do to me, like I am under her spell or something.

I can do anything for her, no matter how small and big. I don't know what I'll do without that smile, those deep blue ocean eyes, and especially her beautiful heart. I have already lost my mind, after almost two months.

The feeling of crying at night is starting to fall upon me, just like I did back home. I think all of my emotions and thoughts are making me exhausted, because no matter how much I sleep, the blue color under my eyes just won't fade. It would probably go away sometime soon, I hope. It's looks awful and I do not really want to look like a complete mess when she wakes up.

I told her I was fine on the phone every day. Maybe she knew I was lying to her, I could hear it in her voice and maybe she did the same. She probably did, but was too scared to ask, like I was. Hunt is really something for herself.

One day I was sitting on the couch for an hour, and I started to wonder where Hunt was. She wasn't around, so I started to look after her in the house. Then I found her in my room, picking up stuff. When she saw me, she looked irritated. Then she said that she could not understand how I could be so messy. My room looked like a world war, like someone dropped a bomb of cloths and random stuff on the floor. I had to hold my hand over my mouth to try not to laugh. She looked so pissed off and she was so tired of walking into my room with the feeling of something under her feet all the time. Then she grabbed a two handful of clothes and threw them at me. I couldn't hold in my laugh so I burst out right away. She was so upset that day.

I knew Hunter liked it clean after I saw her room, so I should probably have tried to be better at it. The worst part was when she found one of my schoolbooks. She picked it up and just looked at me, only blinking her eyes. Then she burst out saying, 'well, I found your English book'. I thought for sure she was going to throw that one at me as well. Hunt was so irritated that she looked so cute. I made it worse when I told her that and tried to kiss her. She just pointed at me and told me to stay away. She was so funny that I just couldn't. When I kissed her cheek, she just sighs and then smiled. Then she told me if I did not get better at cleaning, she would kick me on the floor in the mornings.

One day my dad came and told me that there was something wrong with my room, and I asked the why. I thought there was something wrong with the electricity or things like that, but then he said that there is actually a floor in your room. Hunter just burst out in laughter and I hit her in the arm. Dad knew that it must have been Hunt's work, since I am the laziest one in the house. I was very grateful to Hunter helping me, because now I do not need to walk through my room as if I am in a maze.

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