56. It is quite a hell you have dragged me through

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The cab driver stops in front of the hospital and I run out the door.

"Skylar!" I hear dad yell behind me, but I keep on going. I want to see her so much that I can't wait.

"Skylar, you can't..." I run in the door, leaving dad outside. I stop in front of a dark, big women who sits behind a computer.

"What can I do for you?" She smiles. I try to say something, but I am out of breath. God, I am really out of shape, I should eat and sleep more. I shake my head and take a big breath.

"Hunter Bennett?" I say, and take a new inhale of air. She types on the computer; I lean my arms on the counter, and manage to get my breath back. If Hunt had seen me now she would have mocked me to death.

"And you are?" She asks and I look at her.

"Skylar Mason?" I tell her confused.

"Just tell me where she is." I beg her. She looks at me for a while, with her dark eyes swallowing me.

"You see that door?" She points at the door to my right and I nod.

"The fifth door to the left." She tells me, and I run again to the door and count all of the doors to my left. I stop at the fourth door, looking at a boy with a wound on his eyebrow and a cracked lip, I guess that must be Liam, and next to him is an older woman, probably his mother. There is a young boy sitting right beside her that must be Logan. Liam has black messy hair and he looks very tall and strong. Logan has the same dark hair, but their mother has brown hair.

"Skylar!" I hear dad again and I start running towards Hunt's door in panic. I open it, but before I could even peek in, I feel strong hands on both of my arms, holding me as if I am arrested.

"Let me go!" I yell and try to twist out of the grip on my arms.

"You can't go in there." I hear a deep voice say angry. I slip out of his hands and stumble in the door, finding Hunter, laying in a bed, with a bandage around the top of her head and she has a bad blue-red bruise on her right cheek.

"Skylar!" I hear dad come in behind me. I feel nothing but pain and sadness right now, then my legs weaken and I fall, but dad grabs my jacket before I could go down on my knees. He pushes me back into his arms.

"It's okay." He whispers into my ear.

"She is going to be okay." Dad promise me. I feel like I am choking on my own words, I can't say anything. Looking at Hunter hurts more than anything right now, like someone just poured out my heart with a hand, right out of my chest. I thought the scars on her backs was bad, but watching her laying there, motionless is killing me. There is no smile, no eyes, just nothing. I should have known this, but I am so used to see her with a smile or her looking at me with those blue eyes. Those things that make me love her so much.

"Do you want to sit down?" Dad whispers to me. I take a deep breath since I forgot how to breathe again. Then I nod, he moves both of us and help me down in the chair next to Hunt's bed. Dad bends down to look at me, and then he cups my cheeks and take the tears away. I can't even remember I started crying.

"She will be fine, don't forget that." He says.

"You can't be in there." I hear Liam say, and his mother shushing him. Dad gives me a flat smile and move away from me. I look at my Hunter, while listening to dad talk with her foster family in the hallway. I shake my head, trying to focus on the good part, that she will be fine. Then I move the chair and take Hunt's free hand in mine, it is as soft as I can remember it and I start brushing my thumb over her knuckles. I lean my arms down on the bed and bend down to kiss her hand. This is just too much to take in.

"I'm sorry." I whisper, but then I snort of my own thoughts.

"Remember I told you that I would follow you through hell if it meant I could hold your hand." And I kiss her hand again.

"Well, it is quite a hell you have dragged me through." I chuckle and take the tears away on the arms of my jacket, and then I take it off, because of the heat.

"And yes, I love you today, since I am wearing your blue sweater." I smile and take her hand in mine again. I wish she were awake; I would have loved to hear her response.

"She can't be there!" I hear Liam yell again, and it makes me shrink and bury my face in my arms on the bed. The last thing I want now is to walk away. I finally got to see her and I haven't seen her for a while.

"We just got here; you can't possibly throw her out, Mia." I hear dad say, talking louder. I open up my eyes fast, after realizing that I have shut them. The lack of sleep and the heavy emotions have probably taken a lot of energy today; I only ate a sandwiched on the plane. Dad forced me to eat it, and I felt like throwing up, since I was so nervous.

I feel awful for doing this, but I'll do it anyway. I push Hunter as carefully as I can, to make some space for me, I know she wouldn't' have minded if she was awake, so I guess it is fine anyway. I kick off my shoes, and then I move into the little place that is next to her, I lay my arm around her, and bury my face in her arm. I breathe her in, and she smells as good as I always.

"Do you really have the heart to tell her she can't stay here?" I hear dad angry, his words make me hold onto Hunter tighter. I don't want to go, I close my eyes and feel the tears come out on Hunter. This reminds me of all of those nights with her, so warm and soft. I yawn and kiss her on the arm. My body is so tired, my legs that have been shaking the whole day aches, my head almost hurts, and my eyes are soaring. I am not sure if I am breaking any rules by laying here with her, but right now, I do not care. If I am going to sleep, I am doing it next to her. I yawn so bad that more tears come out of my eyes.

"I love you."

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