19. Lonely

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"Do we have everything?" Dad asks. We are all sitting in the car waiting for the drive to grandma. I look at Hunter, who is listening to music on her phone and looking out the side of her window.

"Yeah." I answer. Hunter hasn't talked to me since we were in my room, barely even looked at me.

"Okay, then we drive." Dad likes to drive at night because it is less traffic and he does not need to listen to mom talking all the time. She always sleeps when we drive at night. It is a six-hour drive so it's really boring, but there is a soft bed waiting for me there.

Grandma has always been the best, all of the warmth she spreads around to everyone. The scary part is that she sees so much that others cannot, she is so wise. I have never seen her angry, even the time I broke her window when I played soccer.

She told me she didn't want to give me a punishment, because she could see all of the guilt in me and that was enough. I felt like shit for weeks after that, so I understood what she meant. I turn to look at Hunter again. She looks lost in thoughts and in her music.

She is wearing the black sweater that is too big for her, she is drowning in it. Just like she is drowning in her own mind. It must be a fight between heaven and hell in there.

After an hour of driving, mom fell asleep, the rest of us is still awake. It's been really quiet, Hunter hasn't said anything or even looked at me and that is driving me insane.

Like an itch on my skin that no matter how much I scratch, it won't stop. I want her eyes on me; I want to see those sparkling blue eyes. I reach over to take her hand in mine, I know I shouldn't, but I want to.

She looks down on our intertwined hands, her eyes stuck on them. Hunter's hand is warm and soft. She is always so soft and comfortable that is some of the things I like about her. The other things I like about her is that she is selfless and she can really tease when she wants to, I love that.

Hunter squeezes my hand, but doesn't look at me, she turns back to the window. At least she allows me to hold her hand; it's more than I can ask for.

It's two in the middle of the night and dad is parking in grandmas parking lot. I have only slept for two hours, but that is okay. I can l sleep when we get in. We all help dad to get the stuff out of the car. Grandma comes out the door and I throw my bag on the ground.

"Hey sweetheart," Grandma says, I walk fast to her and hug her.

"I missed you, darling." She tells me.

"Missed you too." I let her go and give Hunter a hand. She had picked up my bag after I threw it on the ground.

"Thank you." I tell and she just gives me a simple smile.

"And you must be Hunter." Grandma says with a smile, her gray hair just the same it has been the last years, short. She reaches out her hand to Hunter. My grandma is usually the one who gives hugs when she meets people, but I guess she can see that Hunter is not comfortable with it. They both greet and we move into her house.

"I have some bad news for the two of you." Grandma looks at Hunter and me.

"I have only one bed in your bedroom, one of you have to sleep on the mattress on the floor." She looks concerned at us. I look at Hunter and she turns to me.

"I'll sleep on the floor." She says not even fighting, she never does.

"Oh, I thought it would be a problem." Grandma looks surprised; I think it has something to do with my cousin and me, one time. We were in the same situation and we fought for hours.

"Hunter you don't have to, I can sleep on..."

"No, it's fine." She says impatiently. Then walk down the hall and find the room and step in. I sigh and look at grandma. She looks taken aback.

"Is she very..."

"Moody?" I finish and she snorts.

"Maybe. What happened to her face?" She asks. I guess she did not really want to ask Hunter since she is really off today.


"Oh, you don't need to say more." I laugh and shake my head. She is something.

"I see you in the morning, darling." We say Goodnight and I stumble into the room with my bag. Hunter lays on the mattress on the floor, listening to music. This is going to be a lonely night. I put my bag on the floor and take out my sleeping clothes. I change in the bathroom and walk back into Hunter. She is staring at the ceiling with music in her ears. I lay down in the bed and turn off the light that stands on the nightstand.

"Night Hunter." I know she can't hear me, but it doesn't matter. I just wanted to say something. Hunter moves on the floor, I look at her back.

She is completely avoiding me and it hurts, but she needs time. It's only been half a day and it is already killing me. What if this will last for a long while, days or even weeks.

How am I supposed to survive that long? I can't even go a few hours without her looking at me, it drives me crazy. We have been good friends for weeks now, and then Amy comes along and just break it in two seconds.

How is that even possible? I used weeks to get her to open up and then Hunter just build all of her walls up again. I know there is something else, then the fight that is bothering her, and I want to know what it is. As dad said to be patient, I am going to be it even though it is torture. I close my eyes and let the rest of the sleep take me in.

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