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Well since my hard headed boyfriend doesn't answer my calls, I decided to show up to his house and surprise him when he comes. I know he doesn't really like to be bothered but we have something very important to talk about. I'm actually nervous too because I know he has a temper, a very bad one and what I have to tell him is bad.

Part of me doesn't even want to tell him but I hate keeping things from him. Even though I don't want our relationship to end, I know its going to end either way because of this secret. Eventually I got tired of sitting on the couch waiting for him so I decided to walk around. This house is too big for him to only be in it, I don't understand why he doesn't just let me move in.

It'll be a lot easier for him too, instead of cleaning and cooking for himself, I can do that for him. He always says he needs his privacy but he really shouldn't be here alone especially with the condition he has. I know he's scared that he might hurt me but I know he won't, if he loves me he won't.

I was taken out of my thoughts when I found myself upstairs next to this room where foul odor was spilling from the crack under the door. I got down on my knees and brought my nose up to the crack to see if the smell was really coming from there and sure enough it was. Once I got a sniff of that awful smell, I started gagging a little bit.

"What the hell?"I said in disgust while pinching my nose together to block out the smell. I stood up and tried opening the door but it was locked. Why in the hell does it smell so bad in there? Chris is never dirty so I know it can't be like food well old food .

I took my credit card out my back pocket and stuck it between the door but it wasn't going through then I backed up into something which caused me to scream. I turned around seeing Chris and I sighed out in relief. "Shit you scared me" I said holding my chest.

"The fuck were you doing?"he asked and I sighed.

"Can I at least get a kiss? Or you just want to greet me like that?"I asked and he kissed his teeth. The only thing I hate about him is his attitude, he's like always mad.

"No, what the fuck were you doing? In fact what are you doing in my house?"he said and I rolled my eyes.

"I came over because I wanted to talk to you about something important. I got tired of waiting so I came up here but there's this stinky ass smell coming from this room. What's in there?"I asked and he looked at the door then back at me.

"Nothing, what do you need to talk about? And next time you decide to fucking come over call first"he said and I frowned.

"You gave me a key, which means I can pretty much come in whenever the fuck I want. And I came over to talk to you about the baby"I said and he got closer to me.

"Who the fuck are you talking to like that? This is my fucking house and if I say call before you come you do it. And what about the baby?"he said walking away.

"The baby isn't yours"I said and he stopped. "I've been cheating on you since you wouldn't let me move in. You obviously been doing the same because, why else would you not let me. I'm sorry, I know should've told you sooner"I said and he stood there in the same spot but I seen his fists ball up.

"So you're carrying someone else's seed and you tried putting it on me like it was mine?"he said and I sighed.

"Yes, but that's only because I didn't want our relationship to end, I love you. And I admit it was wrong bu-"

"Yeah damn right it was wrong, you tried to make me look stupid huh"he said walking up to me and I backed away.


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