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"What's wrong kenni?"Bernice asked concerned. I ended up walking all the way to her and Trey's house, i couldn't stay at that party. Things would've gotten worse.

"Everything B, i don't know what to do anymore. Chris and his family are stressing me out. Maybe i should've listened to you and kept my distance from him"i expressed and she began rubbing my back.

"What happened? He didn't hit you or cheat did he?"she asked and i shook my head. "Then what happened?"she asked.

"His family hates me especially his mom, they think i keep him from them which i don't. Then tonight at his uncles party, everyone was talking about me and i got into an argument with his mom. She told me she would never approve of me dating her son, and that i made him stop taking his meds"

"Wait meds for what?"she asked.

"His mental issues that i wasn't aware that he had but now that i know, it explains his odd behavior at night"i said then buried my face into my hands. "Every night he...goes crazy. He breaks things, yells, cuts himself and sometimes attack me. He doesn't hit me but he grabs me and holds me down. I didn't want to believe something was wrong with him, i thought he might've been sleep walking but now i know that he clearly has issues"i explained.

"Shit, i'm so sorry ken. I mean for everything. All those things i said about Chris, i didn't mean. Only reason why i didn't want him with you is because i saw how he treated Leslie and i didn't want you in that situation"she said.

"What did he do to her?"i asked looking up at her.

"He treated her like shit, he hit her, cussed her out in front of us or other friends, talked bad to her about the way she looks, slept with other girls while he had her thinking they were really together. Aside from his mean side, Chris is a sweet guy i can admit that. But he's no good when it comes to relationships"she said.

"He's never done any of that to me, he's controlling but he's never hit me or embarrassed me. I love him a lot and he's a good boyfriend but i don't know if we should still be together. I want him to have a better relationship with his mom and family, but I'm in the way of that. But then im afraid to leave him when he's sick, i don't know what to do"i said.

"I think you should stay with Chris, if his family gon act ignorant then fuck them. Because to be honest, they don't care about Chris neither does mama j. All they want is money from him and they're mad at you because you're not allowing them to take advantage of him. Don't ruin you're relationship for anybody, not even me"she said. She's right and i actually feel better.

"I'm pregnant"i smiled and her eyes widened then she hopped off the couch placing her hand on my stomach.

"Oh my god really?! How many months?"she asked excitedly.

"Three going on four tomorrow. My next appointment is on the 6th you can come if you want, but you have to be nice to Chris. I haven't told him yet but i will, tonight actually"i said.

"Awww, i can't wait til you find out what you're having and yeah tell him. This will definitely help out the relationship, he'll change for the baby. Im really happy for you ken"she said and i hugged her tightly.

"Thanks, you cheered me up a lot and I'm very surprised that you had good things to say about Chris"i laughed. "I guess i should head back home, can you give me a ride?"i asked and she nodded.

"Don't ever in your life walk way over here this late again"she said and i laughed.


As soon as i got home, i walked into Chris sitting on the couch with his head down and shaking his leg really fast. When i closed the door, his head snapped up and he stood up rushing over to me. "Where'd you go?"he asked worried.

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