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The baby in the media isn't Kennedi's baby, after you read the chapter you'll get it lol oh and sorry if this is way too short.



Next Morning....

Chris left to go hang out with Red and Trey leaving me home alone. I thought about calling Bernice over but i decided not to, I'm not feeling to well anyway. I threw up about three times for some odd reason, but i think its from eating this weird combination of food. I had steak with mustard smothered all over it, teriyaki beef jerky with syrup and nutella with cornflakes. Oh and Cheese with mustard.

So that's probably why but it all tasted so good at the time. Especially since i was hungry, I'll eat anything when I'm hungry. I'm scared to give birth though, i been watching videos of women giving birth and I'm not ready.
It looks so painful, and Chris is already talking about having another baby after this one.

I honestly don't know if i want another baby because carrying the one now was stressful in the beginning since Chris is very specific on what he wants and that's a boy of course. I mean you seen how bad he was treating me because i thought it was a girl at first and then when we found out it was a boy, he became.... A little more nice.

Before he left this morning, he told me he wanted me to get a tattoo of his name on my neck so guys would know I'm taken. I agreed at the moment but the whole time i was thinking 'This boy is crazy if he really think im going to get a tattoo on my neck' I'm not going to get a tattoo of his name if he's not going to do the same for me.

I been having second thoughts about the tattoo on my finger as an engagement ring because i still don't know if i want to marry him. Sometimes i don't think we're right for each other then i do because i love him so much and he loves me. At least i think he does.

I was take out of my thoughts when the doorbell was being pressed a bunch of times. Groaning, i slowly got up and stood up on my swollen feet. "Jesus"i said to myself. My stomach is huge, i haven't even mentioned that but its really big. It looks like I'm already nine months and its starting become difficult for me to walk. My back stay killing me, Chris massages it whenever i ask but that still doesn't work. And he gives like the best back massages but he put a stop to that obviously because of the whole Seyla thing.

The doorbell stopped ringing and whoever it was that was at the door was now banging on it and yelling. I was able to notice it was a female voice. "I'm coming!"i yelled slowly coming down the stairs. Once i got to the last step, i grabbed my stomach and walked over to the door. Not to mention i was out of breath, how do you get tired from coming down the stairs?

Opening up the door, i came in contact with my wonderful mother in law Joyce. She honestly better not start anything, today is not my day and its too early for bullshit. "Chris isn't here"i spat.

"I'm not here for Chris, I'm here for you"she said inviting herself in.

"Well we have nothing to talk about, at all so i don't see why you're here"i said closing the door and following her to the living room.

"We do actually and its about my son"she said sitting down and her eyes shifted to my stomach.

"So you really are pregnant"she said sounding somewhat disgusted.

"Look what do you want? If you want to talk, be a grown women about it and stop acting like a petty little bitch. I'm really not in the mood for your bullshit"i said shortly after scrunching up my face once i felt sharp pain hit me. I sat down in Chris's chair and sighed out in relief once the pain went away.

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