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"Some people I know are having this big ass mansion party in Miami on Sunday but I need to go for business reasons. These people are a married couple and in order for me to get business done, I need the wife to be occupied"he said and I slowly nodded my head.

"So are you saying you want me to come to keep her distracted?"I said and he nodded. "Well when do you plan on leaving out? I can't leave tomorrow because my graduation"I said and he sighed then leaned forward in his seat.

"Do you think you can have your stuff packed by tomorrow night? My plan was to leave out Saturday morning"he said. Damn, if he's trying to leave on Saturday then that means I have to hurry up and come home after the ceremony to pack. And that ends really late, guess I'm going to have to make it work.

"Yeah I can do that but, I'm a little hesitant about this only because we just met I mean you trust me enough to help you with business?"I asked.

"I can't say that I trust you but I assume you know when not to talk and thinks about things before you say them. But this isn't even about trust, its about business in fact money. If you're someone who loves money just as much as I do then I'm sure you wouldn't do something to fuck that opportunity up. Right?"he said and I nodded in agreement.

"So you're implying that I'm smart?"O asked and he chuckled then shook his head."Thanks, I know I'm smart, I've always been the smart one in my family. But are these people dangerous?"I asked.

"They could be, because they don't like me. They won't be expecting to see me either but that's why I need you there with me. Things can run smoothly if you just do what I asked, keep the wife away"he said and I sighed. I kind of have a bad feeling about this, a really bad one.

"What if she knows something's up? What if she knows I came with you then what do I do?"I asked and he kind of shrugged his shoulders.

"If she asks any questions about me just deny them act like you never heard of me then maybe she'll just move on from the subject. I highly doubt she would question you though, she's never seen you before."he said.

"And what if that doesn't work, im sure people that is going to be at the party, are people they know. They don't know me and I know She's going to think something is very sketchy about me and call her husband"I said and without even answering me, he sat there staring at me while biting his lip. I looked down at my hands thinking about this little shenanigan.

"Listen, don't get worked up about this. Shit will only seem sketchy if you act that way, I can't have you walking in that bitch nervous because she'll know something is up. Relax"he said.

"Okay, I'm sorry. I just never been into this kind of situation and I'm scared something bad will happen that's all"I said and he stood up holding his hand out.

"Come on, lets go it's boring as fuck and there's too many people here"he said and I took his hand then we made our way out to the parking lot. And we still held hands so that made me feel a little better.


We pulled up to this Mexican grill and honestly, I was super happy. Not because we're basically on date but because I was starving and lately I've been wanting guacamole and chips. Oh and garlic shrimp. That's all I get from Mexican restaurants, and its so good.

"Have you ever been to this Mexican grill?"he asked and I shook my head. "This is my favorite spot, I never bring anybody with me when I come here because I don't like sharing all my favorite restaurant's"he said opening the door for me and I smiled before walking in.

"Hi, how are you today?"the waiter asked and Chris came up on the side of me placing his hand on my side.

"I'm fine thank you"I said.

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