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Next day...

"So you really trust this girl going with you to Miami? You don't have to take her I can go with you. I got a bad feeling about this bitch"Red said and I took one last puff of my cigarette then tossed it on the ground and stepped on it. I don't care if he don't trust her because to be honest, my plan is to try not to have someone end up dead.

If things go as plan then there's no worries, but if I do kill someone I'm sure kennedi would be smart and not say anything. I don't want to hurt her but if I have to I will, its not like I've never hurt a girl before I mean I torture them because I guess its something I love to do. I ain't even sure why I do this shit, but I don't care to explain. "She's not a bitch so don't call her that, and I don't trust her but I know she won't say shit. I'll say something to scare her into not saying anything"I said and he kissed his teeth.

"Man, just let me go. I can distract the wife its not hard"he said and I shook my head laughing a little. He always think he can distract a bitch with his dick, every girl does not want dick on sight when they see it. This bitch is old anyway, I don't think her pussy can take new dick.

"If you go who's going to watch my house then? Cops been hot around here lately and I cannot risk having my shit raided without my consent"I said and he sighed then stood there scratching his head trying to think of something to say. I just shook my head and wiped the excess sweat off my forehead. I don't even know why I'm sweating so god damn much, its not even hot its cold as fuck.

"Have her watch it, you don't have shit to hide in there. At least nothing to make you look suspicious, remember we got rid of all the bodies, you cleaned up everything I hope. So you should be good"he said and I bit my lip. You know that actually doesn't sound like a bad idea. I can't have her blow shit when we get there especially since she's already nervous about it. I better not take that chance.

"Y-yeah, I think I might do that"I mumbled then took off my jacket. I already knew what was happening with me but I didn't think just one day of me not taking my pills would do this to me. But everything happening with me will go back to normal soon, this isn't the first time.

"You alright man? Don't tell me you ain't been taking yo meds?"he asked and I kissed my teeth. I got irritated just that quick when he asked that dumb ass question that he already knew the answer to.

"Of course I stopped taking those god damn pills. They don't help and I'm tired of hiding who I really am. Me being nice and shit is not me, a nice Chris doesn't exist. Never will"I spat and he sighed while shaking his head. The only reason i continued taking the medicine is because it helped me control my anger when I was with Leslie because I didn't want to hurt her while she was pregnant with my child that turned out to not be mine.

"Well if you see yourself being with this chick or hanging out with her all the time, you really need to keep taking your meds. You know how you are with women dude, I mean look at all the girls you killed in a year at this house. That's probably why the cops are hot on the block"he explained but I really wasn't trying to listen to what he was saying. I know what the fuck I'm doing and I will never get caught.

"Look just have your shit ready tonight, I gotta go to this graduation so I can tell her the change of plans. We leave tomorrow in the morning"I said and he nodded before dapping me up and walking to his car. I got inside mine starting it and sped down the street. I thought about stopping somewhere to pick up a little gift for her because I don't want to show up with nothing. Fuck it I'll just bring her back to my house and cook for her or something. She's going to be there anyway.

I know I'm hella late but oh well, they probably haven't even called her name yet knowing these slow ass people at this college. Once I got there, I headed out to the bleachers seeing Trey at the end but he didn't see me which was cool. I don't want to see or speak to anyone else other than kennedi. That is the only person I came to see, Bernice ain't shit and she dumb as fuck.

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