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Next Morning...

I woke up really early this morning for some reason but i assume it's because of the baby, i mean i did go to sleep kind of early yesterday even though we got back home late. My bed time is around two or three, we got back at twelve and i knocked out after that.

Chris is still asleep of course, and he must've been really tired because he always wakes up whenever he feels me getting out of bed. But i'm glad he's still asleep, I'm not really in the mood to talk to him since he keeps lying to me. I know him and Red did something, i have that gut feeling again. Im going to find out though, just watch.

I was taken out of my thoughts when i heard something hit the floor and a car speed off outside. The mailman. I got up walking to the mail that was on the floor then picked them up. "Bill, bill, and another bill"i mumbled while skipping some of them then came across one with Chris's name on it.

On the top corner, it read 'State of California' . I opened it because i let my curiosity get the best of me and began to read the letter. They explained that he was to show up to court on June 21st for trial and that until that day, we weren't able to leave L.A.
I angrily threw the letter on the ground then stomped over to the couch plopping down on it. See, this is exactly what i was trying to tell Chris, every time something is wrong he never tells me. I end up finding out from someone else or a certain way, i don't know why he doesn't just tell me.

But im not going to say anything, im just going to wait until he see's that i opened the letter because i know he's going to get mad when he see's it. I don't know why, but he hates when i open mail. I guess i can understand because most of the mail that comes in is his but he gets mad when i open mine. He's weird.

I felt my phone vibrate and i saw it was a message from Bernice. I was actually going to call her today too, we haven't been out together lately so i was going to ask if she wanted to do something.

Bernie : do you want to go to breakfast right now? and shop a little?

Me: yeah where do you want to go?

Bernie : anywhere, im fucking starving and Trey is at work so ain't nobody here to cook for me

Me: lol okay well im gonna go get ready and you can meet me at Denny's. I been wanting their nachos for a while now.

Bernie : you're not feeding those spicy ass nachos to my baby. And who eats nachos at 10 in the morning.

Me: they're not even hot so my baby boy or girl will be fine and i do. Problem?

Bernie : you're weird af, but i have a question? Do you and Chris still have sex?

I frowned.

Me: um yeah why?

Bernie : because i heard you're not suppose to have sex while you're pregnant lol

Me: oh me too, but i still do it. But some people say if you have sex while pregnant, it makes the baby stronger.

Bernie : that makes no sense lol but i guess . Chris made you into a sex addict i swear lmao.

Me: not true, he's the sex addict.

Bernie : is the sex even good with him? Because some of the girls he use to mess with told me his dick was small and he nuts fast.

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