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I love that picture of him in the media lol anyway on with the story....


I woke up to the sound of the front door being opened then i noticed i was in bed alone. "The fuck?"i said sitting up. Did she fuckin' sneak out on me again? I got up walking over to the cribs seeing both the boys sound asleep. "Okay they're here"i mumbled then walked to the closet seeing all of her stuff along with mine. So where the fuck is she?

"C-chris? W-hat are you doing up?"she stuttered. This strong ass cologne smell hit my nose and her hair was fucked up.

"She just cheated on you"a voice said in my head.

I balled up my fist then clenched my jaw. She couldn't have cheated on me, she loves me and i love her. She knows i would kill her if she let someone else fuck her.

"Its true"it said.

"Babe are y-you okay?"she asked.

"Where the fuck did you go and who were you with"i asked.

"I went for a walk because i couldn't sleep. I didn't want to wake you up"she said and i walked up to her pulling her body against mine.

"Who were you with. And don't lie because i can smell them on you. You cheated on me didn't you"i said backing her out the room and towards the stairs.

"No, he was just a friend. We didn't do anything"she said with so much fear in her tone.

"If you didn't do anything why the fuck is your hair messed up? Why his cologne all over you? Why are you walking like you just got fucked"i said. I stopped once we reached the top of the staircase. By now she was crying and shaking but the more she lied the more i got pissed off.

"Chris we d-didn't do anything"she cried.

"Why are you crying then?"i asked.

"Because you're scaring me"she said and i placed both of my hands on her face then pressed my lips against hers.

"Baby just tell me the truth, I'm not trying to scare you but if you want this relationship to work you have to tell me. Who was he and did you guys fuck"i mumbled against her lips.

"I-it was this guy i use to like in college. His name is Odell a-and we kissed then.....we had s-sex. But it didn't mean anything to me i swear Chris. I love yo-"she said but i shushed her. I didn't even want to hear her no more, all i wanted was to hear her scream out in pain.

"-I thought you loved me. I FUCKIN LOVE YOU KENNEDI AND YOU GO FUCK SOME OTHER NIGGA!?"i yelled and the next thing you know, she's tumbling down the stairs.

I paced back and forth with my hands on my head then repeatedly started socking the wall until my knuckles began to bleed. "HOW COULD YOU DO THIS SHIT TO ME! JUST LIKE THOSE OTHER BITCHES YOU BETRAYED ME!"i yelled. She was on the floor crying like hell, i jogged down the long stair case meeting her at the bottom.

I grabbed the closest thing to me which was a big ass vase then smashed it over her body. I grabbed her head making her face me then sock her repeatedly til i saw blood spilling out her nose and mouth. I wrapped my hands around her neck and choked her as hard as i could making her claw at my hands, I was choking her for at least three minutes. Her pulse was beating slower and slower which caused me to release her neck but i grabbed her then hit her head against the hardwood floor a couple of times then stopped. I had to stop because i was going to end up killing her, to be honest i really want to but i can never picture myself doing it because i love her that much.

I know i would regret it later but fuck, why she do this to me? I never imagined her doing this shit. Ever. This is exactly why i didn't want to fall for another girl because i knew if i did, she would eventually hurt me in some kind of way. And i fell for kennedi hard, i didn't want to but i did.

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