Chapter 3 - Will you be mine? ✔

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It was Wednesday night, and I was on the phone with Zoey as she tells me about her problems.

Yesterday went by really fast that I'm actually surprised. I saw Ethan and he flashed me a smile, and we spoke at little, and I kind of felt my heart flutter every time I stared at his eyes.

"Jen? Listen to me! Literally period's suck ass. I almost ate my mom's emergency chocolate cupboard and she shouted at me! She won't even let me take ice cream!" So this is what happens when Zoey's on her monthly. Constantly wants junk food. Always with the worst possible cramps for her, while I always eat healthy and sometimes crave junk food and only have a few backaches. She gets so jealous.

I don't blame her.

"Well, how about, Friday night you come over to my place. We watch some movies, have loads of junk food and try to calm you down. Sounds good?" I asked her with a smirk.

"Hell yeah!" She said excitedly.

I heard the downstairs door slam shut and loads of shouting took over our house.

"Jen? What's happening?" Zoey asked me.

"I don't know. Im just gonna go check it out and I'll call you back, okay?" I ended the phonecall and threw my phone on my bed and ran out of my room.

And there he is, the drunk ass himself, my brother Wayne. Hes swearing and my dad is trying to stop him, by holding him from his shoulders.

"Wayne! Stop it now!" My dad yelled in his face.

"Let me.. GO!" Wayne's fist connected my dad's face and I ran to both of them and tried to restrain them, while Cooger was barking at them to stop.

"BOTH OF YOU STO-" I stopped when Wayne punched me hard in the face.

Pain shot up in my right cheek and tears formed in my eyes. I looked at my brother who looked so drunk and dazed he pushed my dad again and looked at me smugly.

Anger and sadness took over me and I was about to slap Wayne around the face when he pushed me, my back hitting the sharp end of the shoe cabinet and I could feel another bruise develop.

"You are such a dick Wayne," I said between tears and ran up to my room.

Why do these sort of things happen when mom is at work? She should be laying down by me right now and helping me stop crying, not listening to dad shouting at a drunk idiot.

I curled into a ball on my bed, my back facing the front door, and cried. Cried as hard as I possibly could.

God I feel like a crybaby right now.


7:00 Am - My alarm started to go off, snooze
7:10 Am - Snooze
7:20 Am - Snooze.

I woke up when my alarm started to go off for the fourth time this morning. I only had around 30 minutes to get ready and I couldn't be bothered. I already know that today is gonna be a bad day.

I got out from bed and walked to my closet. Today's outfit is a pair of grey skinny jeans and a black hoodie.

Walking to the bathroom, I stopped myself from continuing to walk when I looked at my mirror. I'm scared to see what this bruise looks like. I don't even have a facial expression and my face is in pain.

Go for it you pussy.

I looked at my mirror and gasped. My bruise was like a fucking rainbow. Purple, green, blue and yellow. Holy shit it hurts as fuck. I opened my hair drawer and took my hairbrush out. Quickly doing my hair in a ponytail, I started to brush my teeth.

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