Chapter 13 - Im glad they did the job for me✔

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Ethan, Wednesday

I was rushing to class since I woke up late. I was on Face time with Jenni until one o'clock last night and we both fell asleep, without ending the phonecall.

She had started to wake me up when I heard her laughing. I opened my eyes and her beautiful face was there, staring at me and smiling.

"You look so cute when you're asleep," She said.

I smiled tiredly and looked at the time. 8:23 AM

"FUCK!" I had yelled while sprinting out of bed and getting changed.

So yeah, my morning was perfect/crazy. Today supposedly Gary, the one that touched my girl, was going to be in my class.

"Hello class! Sorry I'm fifteen minutes late. My fault though, I slept in," I said while unzipping my laptop bag and taking some folders out.

I looked over at the class and saw one boy who was facing his back to me. I clenched my jaw and realized he was talking to one of my students. I think her name is Cara.

"Excuse me!" I yelled and he turned his head and looked at me. He had a stupid smirk on his face.

"Sorry, didn't exactly hear you old guy," Old guy?

"Ha! I forgot to laugh at your joke but please do turn around," I said with a fake smile. Most of the class laughed while he stood there like a dumbass he already is.

"Fuck you," I heard him mutter under his breath while he walked to his desk.

"Thanks for the compliment smartass," I said with another fake smile.

I rubbed my hands together and smiled to the class except the bastard. "Mind taking out your textbooks please. Oh and Zoey, I see that Jenni is not here today. Mind telling her what we did during this lesson?" I asked Zoey with a smile.

"Will do sir," She smiled back.

I proceeded with my lesson, until Gary interrupted me. For Gods sake.



"So there is this new kid in History class and he got Mr. Gates so angry today," My eyes widened as I looked away from my phone screen and to my laptop screen.

"Seriously?" I asked her. She nodded while taking a bite from her chocolate bar.

I looked back to my screen while I heard her munching on her chocolate bar.

E - I'm already tired of Gary and its only been one day. The douche bag went and told the principal about me cursing him, (which I did not!) and I'm not allowed to go to work tomorrow. That fucking dickhead!

"Why didn't you come to school today Jen? Oh and I forgot to tell you, thanks for ditching me at the party last Monday," I heard the annoyance in her tone

"Well sorry I was raped Zo," I whispered, mentally hoping she didnt hear me.

"WHAT?" I jumped and dropped my phone by her sudden anger.

"I didn't think you'd hear me.." I said nervously.

She was giving me a shocked look, "Why didn't you tell me? I thought we tell each other everything no matter what the situation is?"

I took a deep breath and told her everything, minus me calling Ethan and sleeping at his.

"Oh my god, I'm going to kill him!" She yelled while dialing someone on her phone. She realized I was wondering who she was calling and said. "Jason," I nodded and started to type Ethan back.

J - Next time hold in that anger of yours Eth, and dont you dare mention anything about him raping me alright? Zoey and Jason are gonna handle that for me

I pressed send when Zoey started to talk. "Ja? Come over to mine ASAP, we need to talk," She said then ended the phonecall.

"Talk to you later Jen, love you and don't worry me and Ja are gonna handle something," She blew me a kiss and I blew one back to her then ended the Skype call.

What the hell are they gonna do?



"Hi Mr. Gates," Some girls said in a 'trying to be sexy' tone. I smiled to them while I walked over to my staffroom. Since I wasn't allowed to go to school yesterday, I have to talk to Ms. Buckles so she can tell me what happened yesterday in the lesson.

I smiled to a couple of students and teachers, but smiled a bigger smile when I saw Jenni's friends.

"Hey Mr. Gates," Jason said while waving to me with his right hand, which was bandaged.

I chuckled and continued to make my way. When I was around five steps away from the staff room, I could already hear Ms. Buckles shouting. Rolling my eyes because of this woman became a regular thing.

All teacher's eyes were on me and the room fell silent.

"Look who decided to show up," Ms. Buckles said angrily while sitting in her chair and trying to act professional.

Shame her fat ass doesnt even fit properly in the chair.

"What happened during my lesson Ms. Buckles?" I said as I crossed my arms over my chest.

Then she began shouting again. "They are wild animals! Mr. Jason Mitch started to punch that new boy, Mr. Gary Jonathan in the face. He started to yell in his face 'This is for Jenni!' I was so furious that I sent them both to the principals, including Ms. Zoey Dutch, and Gary got excluded for the whole week! You need to calm them down because if you wont, I will get you fired Gates!" Im happy they did my job for me then.

"Is that a threat Buckles?" I asked her seriously.

I could see her clenching her jaw as she banged her desk. "Get out of my face you disgusting bastard!"

I'm disgusting? Does this woman own a mirror by any chance?




-R xx

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