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2 weeks later


"I'm back!" I yelled as I placed my briefcase near the front door and walked my way down the large corridor when I saw Ivory sat on a chair near the entrance to go into the kitchen.

She had a pouty face on and her little arms were crossed over her chest.

Her time out chair.

"Jenni?" I yelled while staring at Ivory and she walked out from the kitchen with a cup of coffee, "Care to explain what she did to be put into a time out?" I asked her and she took a deep breath.

Grabbing my wrist, she took a few steps away from Ivory, "Today at Nursery School, there was this kid that kept on bugging Ivory and out of the blue, she just yelled 'I'm gonna fuck you,'. Usually if I was her, I would've said 'Fuck off' but instead she said that and the teacher actually screamed. Next thing I get a call from the school saying to come and pick up my four year old!" She whispered and my eyes widened.

"Do you think she well.. Heard us that night?" I asked her and she rubbed her forehead.

"Yes. You had yelled that a little too loud to be honest," She said and I took a deep breath.

"Do you think she heard us you know, getting it on?" I asked her and her eyes widened.

"I hope not!" Jenni shouted and I chuckled.

"Lets just tell her to never say it again ok? Her little pouty face is tearing me up inside. I hate seeing my baby sad,"

We both walked up to Ivory when Jenni sat down on her knees and I scrunched down to a limit where my knee wouldn't hurt.

"Darling, what you said today.. Please don't ever say it again ok? It's a very rude word and we should of never have said it when you were awake. They are grown up words that you are still yet to discover when you are much more older," I told Ivory and she nodded her head while not making any eye contact.

"I'm sorry for making you both mad," She whispered and I watched a little tear slide down her soft cheek.

Hearing Jenni take a deep breath, she rested her hand on Ivory's leg and smiled, "You didn't make us mad sweety, you just made us feel quite guilty,"

I slowly rubbed her head and she stared at the both of us when she giggled and I broke a bigass grin.

Wrapping my arms around her little body, I lifted her up and tightened my arms from around her and stood up carefully. She rested her head on my shoulder and I smiled at her then to Jenni who was already smiling at the both of us.

"I love you daddy," I heard Ivory whisper quietly and kissed her head, "I love you too sweet pea,"

And I watched that little beautiful smile form on her face.


And the last bonus chapter is up! I hope you enjoyed these little snippets of how their life is with Ivory.
Photo of little Ivory up there ^💞

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-Riley xx

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