Chapter 29 - Bullshit ✔

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I left the dickhead to face his own mistakes on his own instead of listening to his bullshit that comes out from that fucking mouth of his.

I am so angry and sad! I hate that he is making me feel like this!

But he loves you Jenni.. Shut your fucking mouth you stupid heart, I don't want lectures from you right now.

A war is going on inside my head and heart right now all because of this 'man'

Psh, man my ass.

My tears that I was holding fell down my cheeks and I cried my way to town. With every step I took, I heard my heart beat and more of my tears escaped my poor eyes.

Crossing the street without checking if a car was coming, I sniffled and walked my way faster to town. I need to go somewhere that will help me relax.

I heard footsteps behind me and turned around to see an old couple walking and holding hands. That's how I pictured me and Ethan.

Walking even faster to get away from them, I was greeted with a lady pushing her pushchair with a baby fast asleep down the pavement. I imagined us having a baby.

Just picture it, a baby boy or baby girl and Ethan holding him or her in his arms, being very protective of him or her. It would be perfect.

I walked faster until finally i was in town. I cried even harder when I looked at the park and remembered one of my memories with Ethan.

"Jenni?" I heard a girl behind call for me and I turned around, face to face with Shanaia.

"Hey Shanaia," I said while wiping some tears from my eyes.

She furrowed her eyebrows and took a sip from her Starbucks cup and asked me "Why are you crying your eyes out and walking down the street all alone?"

"I broke up with my boyfriend because he cheated on me and I feel like shit now," I cried and wiped my eyes for the hundredth time today.

She raised her eyebrows and started to play with her Smiley "Why not we head to the park and if you feel comfortable enough, you tell me what's going on," She said and I nodded tiredly.

We walked to the park in silence and I stayed staring at my feet stepping on the overgrown grass and hearing the children screaming in happiness.

Finally raising my head, my eye immediately caught the place me and Ethan first went to. I walked even faster towards that spot and Shanaia followed me eagerly "Calm down Jen," She said between chuckles.

I sat down and took in the amazing view and she sat down by me aswell and took another sip from her cup.

The sun. Oh the gorgeous yet dangerous sun. Just like Ethan. Good looks but inside is danger beyond compare.

The clouds. I'm the clouds. Holding in my tears and when it rains, I break. Flooding a whole town with it.

And when the two collide together? Well it forms darkness. That shows we are not meant to be.

I can't believe I ruined a beautiful view just by my sad mind.

"Who is he?" Shanaia asked me, breaking my thoughts. I stared at her concerned face and I smiled to know I have more people that care about me.

"Please don't think I'm some sort of cheap slut after I tell you who," I stopped midway and took a deep breath "Mr. Gates,"

I watched her jaw drop and felt her eyes digging inside me "The Mr. Gates? Ethan? Our History teacher? Him? Dude, that's illegal! If anyone finds out, boom you're both deadmeat," She asked multiple questions and I just nodded instead of responding properly.

"But Shanaia, I love him. I love him so much that it's crazy. I've never been this close with a guy before. He's always been there for me. He's always loved me right and cared me for me perfectly. He was my friend, my soulmate and the only guy I actually pictured us getting married and having kids. I love him and I'll love him till the end of time. He's mine and I'm his. But all of that is gone since he cheated," I told her, letting more tears flood down.

She gave me a sad looking smile and was nodding her head "I know that feeling dont worry, and I'm sorry if I made you feel hurt with what I said. I'm not even sure if it was offensive," Shanaia told me and I smiled.

I actually smiled.

We stayed silent once again when I felt my phone vibrate in my jean pocket. Slowly sliding my cracked phone out, I looked at the caller ID.

Ethan ❤

My thumb immediately hovered over Accept until Shanaia stopped me "Woah, you guys just broke up and you're already gonna talk to him? No honey, decline that bastard," I moved my thumb to Decline and tapped it.

Sorry Ethan.


I got under my warm, fuzzy covers and tucked myself in. Quickly unplugging my phone from charging, I just realized my phone is bombarded with messages.

From Ethan.

I unlocked my phone and tap on messages. Overall I have 13 messages.

E - Please
E - Im sorry please
E - I love you way too much to lose you
E - You are my love at first sight
E - Stop ignoring me please
E - I need your kisses
E - I need that gorgeous smile of yours
E - I need that contagious laugh of yours
E - You may hate me, but I love you
E - It's undeniable love
E - Please
E - Answer
E - Me

Yet, I just locked my phone and placed it on my bedside table and tried to fall asleep.

I can't deal with bullshit right now.



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